❤️ Mine to Protect ❤️

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                         (Sasusaku blank period)



Time seemed to move at a snail's pace for Sasuke as he continued to toss and turn in the warm confinement of his sleeping bag; the one in which he was currently cocooned, but even that normally small comfort couldn't seem to settle him tonight. So, he eventually shoved the warm blanket to the side harshly until he was laying atop its soft fabric instead of within it. He huffed noisily in irritation as he stared up blankly at the darkened, nighttime sky; the bright, shining stars seemed to sparkle sporadically and the large full moon was shining down; covering his pale skin in a soft caress and giving it a gentle glow. The brooding male searched outwards with all of his senses; listening intently past the soft sounds of the nighttime creatures as they scurried swiftly through the thick brush until he found exactly what he was looking for...he had found her. His ears strained for several seconds until he heard the soft and soothing sounds of her sleeping form and as he let his mind focus on her it helped to calm his ramped-up thoughts; he felt himself slowly begin to relax.

Still unable to sleep after a few minutes he finally gave up and sat up with a soft grunt of frustration before turning his strong body slowly until he was resting his back against a nearby tree. He closed his mismatched eyes for the briefest of moments; allowing himself time to take a deep breath. Sasuke's nose picked up on the natural smells of the forest before a gentle breeze shifting directions causing a new scent to surround him... one that he instantly recognized as it was completely unique and belong to the only woman he would ever love. He breathed in deeply one last time before opening his tired eyes; his focus was instantly drawn to Sakura's small frame as she lay beneath a massive blanket. He watched her sleep as a peaceful look made her face look serene and her soft pink hair was lying half hazardously in a sort of halo around her head. His dark eyes moved from her face to watch the thick material surrounding her as it rose and fell slowly with her soft breaths and he let a genuine but small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

The small life that Sakura held within her growing belly was protectively shielded from his view and the cool temperatures but he knew exactly where to look for it. His dark irises focused on the spot where he knew her stomach was and a strong sense of protectiveness seemed to surround him  like a second skin; he felt himself rising to his feet before he had even realized he was moving. Nonetheless, he went straight to her side and bent down until he was in a crouched position before slowly placing his fingertips gently against her chilled cheek. Sasuke then moved to hover them over their tiny baby that was still growing inside her womb and let his eyes close as he struggled to hold in the deep emotions that were welling up inside of him; threatening to spill out at any moment. The Uchiha just couldn't believe that he had a family again...it was all still so new as they had only been married for 3 months and found out just a few weeks ago that Sakura was in fact pregnant. His heart swelled and warmed as he vowed to himself then and there that he would do whatever it took to keep his family safe.

He had someone to come home to now.

He had someone to love wholeheartedly....

...someone to cherish and protect.

'Always and forever until my dying breath I will do whatever it takes to keep them safe...because they are mine to protect, mine to love, and mine to cherish for the rest of my days.

Thank you, Sakura...for loving me, for giving me this chance...to have a family once again. I will forever be grateful to you. I will always love you.'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now