The Face Under the Mask

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(Sakura gets to see an unmasked Kakashi and is shocked at how handsome he is. Before you ask, no she doesn't feel attracted to him; she just makes an observation that he is more handsome than she was expecting. I found the picture of Kakashi on google; credit to the original creator, if you all know who it is let me know so I can give full credit to them.)
How was it possible....

The man before her looked to be a completely different person....

One she almost didn't recognize at first glance...

...for, without the mask covering half his face....

Kakashi Hatake was in all forms of the word...


Sakura Haruno had to blink several times but even that didn't warp the current vision of her old sensei; it didn't dissipate the 'illusion' she had of him in the slightest. She even went so far as to rub at her vibrant green eyes simultaneously with her small hands as if that would change the outcome of the image before her but it did not as he still remained in his previous position; his appearance left unchanged. Kakashi was sitting before her on the side of a hospital bed, waiting for his exam to begin with an almost comical look upon his face as he remained silent; diligently and patiently waiting for his female student to recover from her initial and unexpected shock as she soaked in his whole appearance for the first time. He did however clear his throat awkwardly when she continued to stare at him for several more minutes as his person became uncomfortable under her intense scrutiny. "So...," he started but was unsure where to go with his speech from there; so, he let the word hang in the air between them.

Sakura seemed to snap out of her trance like state after hearing him speak and shook her head quickly, bringing herself back into the present before grasping her clipboard a little tighter to her chest; she then swallowed slowly before meeting his gaze. "So... that's what you look like under the mask..."

"Yup..." If he was a man who was made easy to blush, Kakashi probably would have in that moment.

"'s... not really what I was expecting to see to be honest with you," she said as she tucked a loose strand of pink hair behind her ear.

"And what is it you were expecting to see, Sakura?" Kakashi's tone was playful as he smiled kindly at the pink-haired kunoichi. She chuckled melodically and her bright eyes crinkled at the corners as warmth and happiness spread across her face genuinely; her mind taking her back to a  past memory.

"Well, actually Naruto, Sasuke and I... we talked about it a lot when we were younger. Naruto even came up with the most ridiculous ideas. Saying things like you probably had huge lips that you were trying to hide or maybe even some buck teeth, but I think his favorite was thinking that you had tiny lips or something. Sounds ridiculous, I know. I'm seriously glad that that's not the case however."

"Right. Of course, he did." Kakashi rolled his dark eyes kindheartedly before a small smile settled upon his own lips; his mind also taking him back to the old days.

Finally, after getting over her initial shock, Sakura advanced forward and placed her small chart down gently onto the wooden table beside his bed before rolling up her white sleeves and turning to face him. "Anyway, shall we get on with it? I know you have places to be and I do have other patients to see before my shift ends."

"Hai. Whenever you're ready."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now