🤭Challenge Accepted: Part 1 🤭

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Naruto antics and stupid drunk challenges
Sasuke tipped his drink back, downing the tart liquid quickly and wincing slightly as it burned a trial of liquid fire down his throat. He glanced to his side, noticing the light blush tenting his companion's face and the far-off look in the blonde's blue eyes. Tsk, he's drunk already. Lightweight, Sasuke thought but he wasn't about to admit that he too was starting to feel the dull buzz that came with a drunken stupor so he didn't acknowledge it. Boys night out was starting to look more and more like it had been just a huge mistake.

"Oi, Sasuke," Naruto hollered, nearly spilling his beer all over the dark-haired shinobi.

"What is it," Sasuke snarled under his breath, a slight tick began at the corners of his dark eyes. Yeah, boy's night was a bad idea. "Keep it down. I'm right next to you...idiot."

Naruto ignored the jab or altogether didn't hear it as he turned to face the young Uchiha, nearly falling from his stool as he swayed slightly in his seat. "I challenge you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I challenge you to a little game." The smile that formed on Naruto's face made Sasuke raise a brow at him. " I want you to have sex with Sakura in a different room in your house every night and in the weirdest place you can find for a whole week. Bring me a list with the where and how and if you do all that you will win and I will have to do whatever you say for a whole month. But if I win you have to do what I say, deal?"

A slow smirk forming on the young man's face as he watched his friend closely. "What kind of challenge is that?"

"You're always bragging about how much of a freak Sakura is in the bedroom, about how insatiable and wild she is. Let's put that to the test."

"That's a stupid challenge, Dobe."

"So, what! Are you in or do you give up already because your...scared," Naruto asked, thrusting his hand out to his best friend. Sasuke hesitated a moment before grasping his hand to shake it. He would probably regret agreeing to such an idiotic thing in the morning but right now his semi-drunk brain didn't see much of a problem with it. It was an all-around win for him in his eyes and also, he was never one to back down from any challenge no matter how stupid it might be. He was an Uchiha and Uchiha's didn't lose.

"Hn," he grunted before turning to down another shot. This could be interesting...
A week later...

"Wow," Naruto said, his blue eyes widened in shock as he starred at the small paper in his hand; his eyes running across the Uchiha's elegant scrawl that was written across the thin paper. He did what to her in the bathroom? They did it on the what? How...is that one even possible...poor Sakura. His bright eyes looked up to meet his best friends; Sasuke sat smugly across from him, his arms crossed over his chest and a shit eating grin in place. Naruto narrowed his eyes and waved the paper in his hand in front of the dark male's face. "How do I even know any of this stuff actually happened?"

"Hn. Guess you don't although you could always ask Sakura..." Naruto gulped at the thought, hell no! "Or," the Uchiha started again, resting his arms across the table as he leaned closer. "I could show you." Black slowly bled to red and Naruto jerked back, eyes wide. "But I suppose if you didn't believe that you could always look at the video footage."

"W-wait, you recorded it," Naruto asked, flabbergasted.

Sasuke smirked. "We do have security camera hanging around the house in almost every room," he shrugged as if it was normal before returning to his previous position. "You know for security purposes of course." Naruto highly doubted it was strictly for security reasons but he kept his mouth shut for once. His lips pulled tight into a thin line as his eyes once again scanned the paper before he finally placed it down on the table; a long sigh escaped his lips as he raked a hand through his blonde hair.

"Fine you win," he finally conceited.


"So, what do I have to do first," he asked reluctantly and watched as the young Uchiha reached into his back pocket before pulling out a small bottle of pills. Sasuke slid them across the table and they came to rest before him. Naruto frowned. "What's this for?"

"Sakura. Take them to her. She's at the house. She's feeling a little sore...from all of the vigorous activities she's had to endure this past week. Poor girl."

Naruto raked his hand down his face before scratching the back of his neck in discomfort. "She's going to kill me if she finds out I know about what you all did. Especially if she learns it was my idea..."

Sasuke scoffed. "Just tell her they are from me and I was busy training so I couldn't bring them to her. She will know what they are for and you can find out that I was telling the truth based on her reaction. A win for everyone I think."

"For you maybe," Naruto muttered under his breath and Sasuke merely raises an eyebrow at him. "Fine," Naruto huffed as he snatched the bottle from the table before standing up. "But if they find my dead body on the side of the road or behind a bush you will know what happened."

"Hai. Better hurry, I've got a whole list of things you need to get done today." Naruto wishes he could punch the smirk off his best friend's face but he resisted the urge and walked towards the exit. But not before turning around once more, hand poised on the doorknob.

"Sasuke, do I really have to..."


"Ugh. Fine I'm going," the blonde huffed before slamming the door behind him. As he made his way down the street several people greeted him kindly but his mind was elsewhere as he felt like he was slowly making his way to his ultimate demise. He looked up at the blue sky and closed his eyes tightly a moment, only one thought crossing his mind. 'Sakura...please don't kill me.'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now