Your Tears will be My Sorrows

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Sakura is feeling as if she has failed her husband, and Sasuke disagrees; so he tries to comfort her in the best way that he knows how.

A sasusaku "blank period-ish" snippet.



The tears in her eyes unsettled him, no, they unnerved him and sent Sasuke into a rare form; one that (under normal circumstances) would have been reserved for the couple's private time, but the Uchiha had a feeling that it was necessary to break his normally "stoic and aloof" appearance in that moment... because his wife, clearly needed him; on an emotional level.


He inched closer, as close as he dared, and placed his large, lone hand upon her shoulder; swallowing slowly past the thick lump clogging his esophagus when she flinched slightly at his attempt at a comforting touch.


Her body convulsed, trembling uncontrollably while she shook her head repeatedly, back and forth; placing her face in her palms before casting her head downwards. She took a step back and began murmuring to herself, though Sasuke could only catch bits and pieces of the words slipping past her frantically moving lips.

"How... I didn't... why m-me... he... what... I do?"

Sasuke felt his heart constricting painfully in his chest, and unable to give his wife the adequate space that he thought she needed in order to gather herself, the male stepped forward until he was directly in front of her and pulled her into his torso; his grasp on her tightening when he felt her fists grip his shirt firmly. He tried again.

"Sakura, what..."

"I'm so sorry, Anata."

His pulse quickened at this minimal confession, but he bent his head nonetheless and rested his cheek on top of her crown, effectively ignoring the small crowd that was mingling around them while glancing at the couple with only mild curiosity. Sakura buried her face against him and he allowed her tears to soak through the fabric of his dark t-shirt with zero complaints. "I... c-can't... I-I don't k-know what happened. I'm a goddamn medic... a-and I... I just d-don't know..."

"Sakura...," Sasuke pulled away slightly and lifted her face up gently with his fingertips, gingerly brushing the wet streaks away from her cheeks as he gazed deeply into her pools of green. "You know that your tears will be my sorrows as well. Please... tell me what's wrong. Maybe I can..."

She shook her head; a forced smile pulling her lips up slightly. "You can't help with this, Sasuke-kun. It's... it's just not something that can be fixed..."


"I'm... I mean...," she bit her bottom lip when it began to tremble; her viridescent eyes filling once again with fat tears. "I was... pregnant, Anata."

His heart was nearly ready to burst at the implications of what her words meant. 'Sakura... pregnant... was...' He didn't know how to voice his thoughts, but Sakura knew; she knew exactly what he was thinking and was ready to explain.

She shook her head solemnly. "Yes... I... I was. I don't know what happened. I felt completely fine; I was going to tell you... tonight actually. But... this morning, I woke up and there was... so much blood... I asked you if we could stop here, because I needed to ask for a second opinion, but... the doctor confirmed it... I... I lost our..."

She couldn't continue, but she didn't need to because Sasuke could fill in the blanks himself. That's why she had wanted to come here; that's why she had insisted on going to the hospital alone, though it wasn't for the reasons in which she had indicated... that's why there was so much blood on her clothing, not because of her period as he had first suspected. That's why—

"I'm so... so sorry, Sasuke-kun."

It was his turn to shake his head. The young patriarch pulled her close, and kissed her temple briefly. Through his own emotions— shock, sorrow, pain, heartbreak— he knew that he had to remain strong for her, because his wife needed him... now, more than ever... he could grieve the loss later. "It's not your fault, Tsuma. These things... happen. Yes, it's upsetting, but when you are ready... we can always try again. But, only if you want to, that is. I won't pressure you into it."

She pulled away to look into his eyes. "I wanted to give you a family, Anata. But... what if I can't. What if I'm... broken."

Sasuke smiled softly at his female, before bringing his hand between them and placing his fingers against her purple seal. "If that's the case, then so be it. You're my family now, and that's all I really need. Yes, it would be nice to have a child together, to help solidify our bonds, but if not... I'm just glad that I still have you; that I will always have you, Sakura."

"I love you, Anata...," Sakura whispered, and instead of responding with words, Sasuke sealed his love for his wife with a passionate kiss to her lips.


Author's Notes:

If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

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