Memories Lost

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After being gone for so long, due to his role in the war against a neighboring village, when he came home, Sasuke expected his wife to greet him with her familiar warmth and a hot meal... as she had done, so many times before.

But when he learns that Sakura lost her memory, due to being in the crossfire of an attack on his homeland while he was away from home (and has lost her memories of him) ... how will Sasuke react and what will he do?

Sasusaku "old days" au.


Millimeters turned to centimeters...

... which turned into decimeters...

.... which turned into meters...

... which then turned into long miles as the young warrior walked for what seems like an eternity—

'I'm almost there; soon, soon I will be home. Then and only then may I rest my weary bones.'


Sasuke had been gone for nearly 227 days so, he was quite ready to be home; and just as he reach the peak of a very steep incline... that overlooked the vast majority of his property...

... that is when he spotted her; for the first time in months. He was looking at her and felt his heart warm with affection at the prospect of being able to spend some time with her after being away for so, so long.

"My wife," he spoke on a breathy whisper as his tired, achy, and overworked body made its way forward, after only a brief pause; in order to help him catch his breath.

The Sakura tree's blooms (that surrounded their quant home) began to blow around him in a swirl of pinks and greens as he made his way down the steep hill; towards his home and...

... towards his beloved wife; whom stood beside their two-story brick home while pinning some of her delicates onto the clothes line.

'Sakura... I'm finally home.'


Sasuke didn't know what to say to his wife when she first turned around and looked at him; upon his initial approach. For the young man had been expecting an exuberant greeting and one of her flavorful hot meals; (as had been the custom of his past experiences with retiring from the battle field and returning to his beloved female)... so, when he received only a merely confused glare from her in response, as she looked him up and down with obvious signs of extreme distrust, the Uchiha male only grew confused.

'Why is she looking at me as if she hadn't a clue as to who I am? Sakura...'

The war hero opened his mouth to speak; though he was unsure of what to say to her... but Sasuke needn't worry; because Sakura beat him to it.

"Sir, who are you...," she questioned; taking a few cautious steps back as she assessed him closely and carefully. "... and why have you come to my residence?"

'What in the—'

"Lady Sakura!" Sasuke looked up to see his own mother running towards them; both of her hands holding her thick skirts up (so that she wouldn't trip over them) as the older woman ran, with a quickened speed, across the grassy terrain and towards them. Her black eyes were slightly wild and frantic when she met his gaze with a worried and sorrowful expression.

'Why is mother here,' he wondered and watched on silently as she came to a stop beside his wife. His mother's chest was heaving slightly as she tried to catch her breath and when she turned to her son (for a brief moment) it was to give him a sincere and apologetic smile.

"Mikoto..." his young wife's voice was wary, and after giving him another once over, she turned to meet his mother's gaze, "...who is this gentleman and why is he here? I wasn't expecting visitors today."

"He's just a local man, dear," his mother said with a dismissive wave of her hand (as if her youngest son wasn't the head of this household) and she sent Sakura a kind smile. Sasuke bristled at his mother's deceptive words (still utterly confused) but decided to remain silent and hold his tongue, for the time being that is; because Sasuke knew she wouldn't do so without reason. "My husband and I have some business with him that we need to discuss quickly and I simply forgot that we had a meeting set up for today. There is no need for you to worry yourself over it, dear. I apologize for not informing you about this earlier. Come now though because dinner is almost ready and you need to freshen up. I will come in shortly."

The pinkette turned and glared at her husband one more time before making her way up the hill; towards their home. Sasuke watched her go and once she was inside, he turned towards his sweet mother; eying her with a mix of both confusion and slight irritation. Mikoto grasped his arm and squeezed it gently before giving him a sad smile.

"We need to talk, son. Now."


That was the only word to describe how he was feeling in that moment, he surmised; he wanted answers. Needed them desperately and willingly followed his mother to the grassy meadow that was only a few feet away from their current position.

'What in the hell is going on? What happened while I was away... and what is wrong with my wife? What is wrong with Sakura?'

He was travel-worn; completely exhausted...

... but he wanted answers...

... and though he was a man who prided himself on expecting the unexpected...

... Sasuke was not prepared for what was about to unfold; for his mother's wild tale was one that could only be considered fiction. There is no way that what she said, was true...

... that it actually happened; right?

'How could Sakura just... forget about me?'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now