🔞 Unexpected Mating 🔞

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(Sasusaku bunny/wolf form smut. This is another request from a friend. I hope you enjoy it!)

Also, all of the credit for the photo used goes to the amazing artist! I found the image on google but wow, I wish I was that talented! Be on the lookout for my Twitter post where I will be sharing with you a few of the ideas that I have for a new story! I will be letting you all help me decide on which story you might want to see next (if I decide to go through with it that is). Though I think I know which one you will end up picking already... but maybe I will be surprised lol

This one was another one of those unique request that was so different and interesting to write. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and I hope you all enjoy it. (My friend who requested this accepted the edit; I added everything she wanted!)

The young doe's large and pointy ears twitched faintly due to her sensitivity to the abrupt change in the surrounding atmosphere and she lifted her head slowly as she tried to gain a better vantage point in order to scan her surroundings steadily; instinctively searching for where the dangerous aura was originating from.

The small rabbit waited; her nose twitching back and forth while her long and fluffy ears pointed directly upwards. Her body was completely tense as she froze; preparing herself to run, should the need to do so present itself. Her excellent hearing helped her pick up on the subtle sounds of dried leaves crunching beneath the feet of what she could only assume was something much larger than herself.

The doe swiveled her small head quickly in the direction that the sounds were coming from; her wide green eyes searching until they landed on a rather large and imposing, dark shadow that was looming in the near distance. The space between herself and it was narrowing by the second as the unknown creature advanced slowly; at the last second, she decided to make a run for it and bolted.

The chase... was on.

Long, spritely legs took the young animal swiftly through the thick and dense foliage; but it simply wasn't enough for her to escape the perusing beast.

She squealed in terror as a large muzzle, full of sharp and pointy teeth, clamped down onto the scruff of her neck and then lifted her into the air; leaving her to dangle above the ground where she was being held in the creature's strong jaw. The beast's hot breath ran along her skin as it began to carry her away to an unknown place; not losing speed as it raced through the forest with long and powerful strides.

She continued to struggle against his strong hold for several moments but when his teeth snapped down harshly onto her sensitive flesh; she let her body go lax in its strong jowls and fell silent for the remainder of the trip.

Her small frame swung back and forth like a rag doll as the creature dodged several fallen stumps and large trees; leaping over large boulders and a small stream while he continued to advance forward.

She took in a sharp breath and squealed loudly when a particularly harsh landing jarred her body to the right; but the grip on her only tightened, so that she wouldn't fall from his clutches. That one single breath... was very telling.

The strong, masculine and woodsy scent that assaulted her nostrils was both exhilarating and frightening all at the same time.

It was the scent of a male wolf... it was the scent of an alpha.

Her insides quivered in both delight and anxiety; when suddenly, she felt the heat within her begin to rise. Dread began to fill the pit of her stomach as her nose twitched and her ears flattened.

He was a shifter... much like herself.

The young doe was almost certain that he had to have scented her heat by now; though, she was not entirely sure what that would mean for her going forward nor what the alpha male planned on doing with her, with that knowledge, once he reached his destination.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now