Never Stood a Chance

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(Sasusaku blank period; featuring Karin)
Karin stepped away quietly so as not to disturb the new mother and child who were finally resting peacefully after a very dramatic birth. She couldn't help but glance up at the dark male who stood by closely; silently and protectively watching over his new family. She felt her stomach twisting into knots as she saw the love and devotion shining brightly behind his dark orbs, his mismatched gaze focused fully on his wife and child. She desperately wished he would look at her the same way he looked at Sakura; it made her heart ache knowing he never would and she began to walk away. Before she left the room though she stopped, her face turned down as she took a deep breath.

"I never stood a chance did I," the red-head whispered despondently as she lifted her gaze slowly to observe the pinkette sleeping soundly on the small cot with her newborn tucked protectively in her strong embrace.

Sasuke truly didn't want to be mean to Karin, especially after everything she had done for his wife and daughter but he was an honest man; he wouldn't lie to her nor would he sugarcoat his true feelings on the subject because he felt it was about time to put the small infatuation, she still held for him to an end. "No. You didn't. My heart has always belonged to Sakura." He began to walk away, prepared to take the seat next to his wife to watch over his young family for the night but he paused. Turning slightly, he glanced at Karin as a newfound respect for the woman grew within. 'Maybe we can be friends... someday.' "Karin," he called almost softly, the space between them nearly taking her name from his lips before she could even hear it.

"Yeah," she whispered, meeting his eyes sadly.

"Arigato. For taking care of them both."

"Of course," a sad smile graced her lips as she looked away, unable to meet his gaze any longer. "How could I refuse when she means so much to you. (When you mean so much to me was implied but left unsaid.) Plus...I kind of like her."

"Hn." Sasuke walked away then, placing himself at his wife's side. Karin watched the small family for another moment as Sasuke brought his lone hand to caress his wife's cheek gently. When he leaned down and pressed his lips against her seal, Karin had to look away. Her chest tightening slightly as she slowly slipped from the room. She was sad that her love for Sasuke wasn't enough to make him hers but she also understood that even before she had met Sakura...even before she had met Sasuke, his heart had already been taken and she knew someday, once her heart had healed...everything would be okay. 'Maybe, we can still be friends... someday.'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now