+ Faith +

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                        (Sasusaku blank period)
"S-Sasuke-kun, y-you're...oh my god," her tears began to stain the wooden floor beneath their feet as Sakura stared wide-eyed at the young man seated in a slumped position before her. The love of her life was fighting for his life right in front of her very own eyes and she could only blame herself in this moment as it was her that he had been trying to protect when he threw himself in front of that large sword. Her small hands began to shake uncontrollably and the green healing chakra that was flowing from her fingertips began to waver slightly as her focus did the same; her body finally going numb due to the shock of it all. It had all happened so fast...

"S-Sakura," his raspy voice was laced with pain and she watched as he flinched slightly due to the effort it took to form even that one simple word. She hushed him with a gentle reprimand before her worried gaze flickered to his bleeding chest once more; her teeth coming to bite down on her bottom lip harshly as she watched his deep stab wound begin to close slowly. She felt his calloused fingertips brush lightly against her chin as he tried to pull her lip free from her own harsh grasp (although in his weakened state he was unable to do so) and her green eyes flicked to his dark ones as she watched a gently smile lift the corner of his lips upwards.

"I... have faith...in you...Sakura." Sasuke's  whispered confession made her heart racing and her intense gaze softened; her mind refocusing as she nodded her understanding, unable to speak past the thick lump that had formed some time ago in the back of her throat. After thirty long painstaking minutes his skin was knitted back together; the wound finally completely healed on the outside and although the pain and blood loss would last well past any noticeable outward signs of a wound ever being there in the first place, she was pleased with her handy work and thanked the gods that she was able to save Sasuke in time before it was too late. His love and faith in her played a huge role in her ability to heal him properly and for that she would always be forever thankful.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now