🔞Sakura Distracts Sasuke🔞

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                   (Sasusaku; Boruto time period)


Sasuke Uchiha, a man who was normally a pretty mellow and relaxed individual, was abnormally angry tonight.

No. He would say that the word angry wasn't quite right in describing how he was truly feeling in that moment.

It was more along the lines of he was seething with rage; the fact of which was rare to see in the patriarch, especially when it was directed at his very sweet and loving wife.

He just couldn't believe that his Sakura, his very intelligent wife, would let their little girl go out on a date with that idiot blonde's son. Didn't the Uchiha matriarch know what went on in a young boy's mind. He sure remembered the few times during his stay with Orochimaru when he had let his mind wander and a certain... pinkette had taken over his wayward thoughts. His poor pants had grown uncomfortably tight during that time and so the young male would then proceed to...

Hell no! Sasuke shook his head of thick, dark black hair briefly to try and clear it. Now isn't the proper time for those kinds of thoughts. He was in the middle of arguing with Sakura; he needed to focus so he could voice his growing concerns for their daughter's safety (more like her virginity but he would rather not think of it that way). "Sakura, why on earth would you agree to something like this?"

"I just don't get why it's such a big deal for you Sasuke-kun," she sighed before folding the dish towel she had previously been using and laying it on the counter beside her. Sakura turned to face her husband then, giving him her full attention as she crossed her arms over her chest and stared back at him. The stubborn woman was refusing to back down from his dark, challenging gaze. He frowned slightly at this. 'I've never been able to stare her down. She's never been intimidated by my glare... though right now, I wish that she was. I don't even know why we are arguing about this. Sarada should be home right now...with us, not out with that...boy.' He clinched his fist at his side.

"She's just to young Sakura, and he's..."

"A good kid just like our daughter," Sakura spoke up softly, interrupting his protest. "Look Sasuke-kun," she said walking towards him slowly. "They are both young and it's only natural to be curious about dating. And think of it this way, at least we know the boy and at least she felt comfortable to come and confide in me about it instead of trying to sneak around with him."

Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose as he felt his temples beginning to throb. A long, soft sigh escaped his slightly parted lips before he spoke again. "That's not the point Sakura."

"Then what is your point Sasuke-kun?" She was growing somewhat angry with her husband as he questioned her judgment and narrowed her eyes dangerously at him while placing both of her opened palms on her curvaceous hips.

"I... she...it's just that...hn." The dark male ran his large, lone hand through his hair as he fought to find the right words to describe his feelings on the issue at hand; the task growing more difficult by the second.

Sakura could tell that Sasuke was growing just as frustrated with her as she was with him and suddenly a plan formed in her mind. They were going to be home alone for about two hours while Sarada was out with Boruto and she had to find a way to distract him long enough to prevent the man from interrupting their daughter's date; for Sarada wouldn't be pleased with her Papa if he did so and would probably give him the 'cold shoulder' for several days, if not weeks after. The pinkette smirked softly to herself but then quickly schooled her expression into a neutral one before she looked at her husband directly. "Anata," the sultry, seductive tone that his wife used gave him pause. His mismatched eyes met hers and they widened slightly at the look she was giving him.

'Fucking hell, what is she up to.'

"Sakura, this is no time for...," but his words were suddenly lodged in the back of his throat at the sight of said woman slowly lifting her shirt over the top of her head to revile a sexy black number that just barely covered her petite breast; the thin fabric pushed them up in a delicious manner. He swallowed slowly. 'She's just trying to distract me... damn it. But it's so hard to focus when she looks like... that.' "Sakura...I...," the Uchiha male began to protest but quickly the words died in his throat once again when he felt her small hands press against his muscular chest. Sasuke was somewhat startled as he hadn't realized she had moved so closely to him; his dark eyes widened when she pressed herself against his front.

"Shh...," his wife cooed lovingly as she began to slowly drag her hands down from his upper chest and past his hardened abs until she reached the button on his pants; playing with it as she looked deeply into his eyes. Her smoldering gaze held him completely hostage and he felt the front of his pants tighten significantly; his mind had already momentarily forgotten why he had been angry... what they had been arguing about in the first place. His full focus was on the pink-haired beauty before him as she wrapped her small body around his larger one.


"Will be home alone for a little while and I want to spend that time with my husband." Her hands moved lower until she was now cupping his hard, thick length. When she grasped onto it roughly, it caused Sasuke to hiss in both pleasure and pain. Sakura leaned into him further; her breasts were pressed tightly against his chest as she brushed his neck with her lips lightly. Her mouth moved to his ear as she stood on her tip toes and when her hot breath landed on his sensitive skin, it sent more heat straight to his lower region. "Can you help me Anata... or... do I have to do this on my own." Before she knew it, she was lifted over his shoulder and was being carried to their bedroom. Her soft, girlish giggles quickly died as he tossed her roughly onto their shared bed.

Her bright, green eyes met his and she watched him expectantly as he moved to pull his shirt over his head slowly. She grew anxious when black bled into red, the anticipation of having him soon made her entire body quiver with need and when her husband stalked over to her; it was as if a predictor was about to devour its prey. She licked her suddenly dry lips; waiting to see what he would do to her next.

"Get undressed Tsuma... or would you like for me to do it for you?"

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