🔞 Tied Up 🔞

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'I don't know why I can't resist her; but I can't... & honestly, I don't really want to.'

A quick sasusaku shippuden AU smut!


"Sakura, what are you doing here? Why have you come?" Sasuke's black orbs visibly shifted... from their natural, dark onyx-color to the most vibrant shade of red that Sakura had ever seen.

Black patterns swirled within his crimson eyes as he observed her closely... and even the distance between them couldn't change the fact that the pinkette could visibly and easily detect the slow, but steadily growing tension within his tall, strong frame.

The tightening of every single muscle in his body, while his chakra signature had increased in its intensity, due to his heightened emotional state—

Sakura knew that she had to tread very carefully, if she wanted to get close to him. Even she knew that the Uchiha could be a very dangerous man, when pushed or provoked to be so.

"Sasuke-kun...," she stated calmly, while taking a small, tentative step forward. "I came here on my own... because I wanted to see you. I want to be with you. I want to help you, Sasuke-kun."

He scoffed noisily and took several (silent) steps forward; movements calculated in his approach while his eyes held hers firmly. "Liar."


"I'm not lying, Sasuke-kun...," Sakura desperately insisted; heart pounding wildly within her chest. She brought her small hands up to try and shield it from his intense stare. "I want to be with you. I wouldn't lie about something like that. Especially not to you! Ever! My feelings... haven't changed."


Sasuke was standing directly in front of her now; the Uchiha's powerfully strides bringing him only a few inches away. Sakura could easily detect the strong scent of his shampoo and something that was distinctly him; causing her mouth to run dry and her core to twist uncontrollably. She had to lean back slightly to continue to hold his gaze.

Red clashing with green.
Heart's racing.
Muscles full of tension—

"Why, Sakura?" His voice was just barely above a whisper; deep in its execution... though, it wasn't dripping with disdain and irritation as before. No, this was something... different... but the pinkette couldn't put her finger on what it was.

'Hope, maybe? Mere annoyance? Perhaps even a little bit of... lust...'

"Because I love you, Sasuke-kun. I always have... and I always will." Her conviction was sincere and Sakura waited with baited breath for his reaction. Seconds passed between them, before he finally made his move; and when he did—

Lips mashed.
Teeth clashed.
And hands feverishly worked to shed the other's clothing.

"Sakura...," the Uchiha hissed through his teeth; hands moving to grasp her wrists. Sasuke pulled her with him, then took a seat on top of a boulder that was sitting nearby; and before Sakura could even blink, she felt taunt ropes being tied around her small frame... binding her and restricting her movements significantly. She glanced over her shoulder to see that he had used his obi to tie her up, while distracting her with his lips and tongue. 'Clever man...,' she thought, before returning her gaze to his. He was panting harshly and his eyes were lidded. "Let me just..."

She shifted slightly, when he brought her down to sit upon his lap. His hands worked his pants and her shorts to the side before he plunged his shaft deeply within her tight core. Sakura was grateful that she was so damp already, but also for the fact that she had broken her inner barrier during training a couple of years ago. If she hadn't—

Sasuke didn't waste any time and began thrusting as soon as he started pulling on the thick, purple rope; effectively pulling her shoulders and arms back, so that her upper body was thrust towards him. The sensations of his shaft penetrating her cunt for the first time... caused her eyes to roll to the back of her head; and she allowed the weight of it to fall backwards, while her small hips began to rock above him. It was as if they had done this dance many times before... even though it was their first time.

Sakura briefly wondered if this was Sasuke's first time, (due to his seemingly practiced experience) but when he pulled on the ropes again, the young woman quickly hissed in pain; the force of his pull stretching her arms a little farther than what was natural or comfortable and successfully breaking her train of thought. "S-Sasuke-kun... ahh... p-please...," she began to plead with him, until—


Sakura yelled as his hand came down to slap the flesh of her thighs; his eyes flashing dangerously before he grasped her skin there tightly beneath his large palm. Sakura increased her pace and moaned; surprising even herself with how much she was enjoying the feel of him dominating her.

Sasuke came first; after several, quick thrust and low, but sharp grunts. Sakura whimpered above him when he slowed his movements... being on the tip of completion, but unable to push herself over the edge.

Surprisingly though, Sasuke continued to move. However, his face twisted with pain as he rocked and pulled her; and after another minute, Sakura had finally reached her climax.

She threw her head back; resting it on top of her shoulders while her mouth opened in a desperate and silent scream. Her walls clamped around his girth and she could hear the keen and pain-filled intake of breath from her partner as she rocked against him; taking absolutely everything that she could from him while she had the opportunity to do so. For she didn't know what would happen afterward it was all over.

When Sakura's lower half had finally stopped its spasming, she fell forward; cheek resting against his bare shoulder while she continued to pant hot breaths against his neck. After releasing her from his bindings, he gently rubbed at the red, bruised skin there with his rough, calloused fingertips; in an attempt to sooth the sore flesh... the best that he could. It surprised her, and she melted against his chest while closing her eyes tightly.

"S-Sasuke-kun...," Sakura whispered; almost to softly for him to be able to hear.


"I... I mean do you... if... does this mean... that we can..."

"Sakura," the Uchiha called; briefly interrupting her babbling.


"Don't be... annoying." At first... his words stung; before she recognized the playfulness in his tone.

Sakura giggled softly before relaxing against him further; enjoying the feel of his warmth because again... she didn't know how long it would last.

Would he stay with her?

Allow her to go with him...

... or would he simply choose to leave her to her own devices... and continue on with his journey... as if nothing had even happened between them.

Only time will tell; she supposed.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now