🔞 Role Play 🔞

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                           (Sasusaku au snippet)
Sasuke let his teeth sink deeply into the soft flesh on his wife's shoulder as he pumped his shaft savagely into her dark channel deeper than he had ever gone before. Sakura's cries of pleasure helped fuel his desires further as he closed his eyes tightly, relishing in the feel of her wet walls wrapped tightly around his large cock. "S-Sasuke... I'm...s-so...ahh...close...," she panted as she brought her curvaceous hips up sharply to meet his. The pressure of his bite and the  increase in his pace had Sakura whimpering in both need and pain but she didn't complain as her sharp nails dug deeply into her husband's shoulders, leaving a trail of red scratches down his upper back before she grasped onto the soft flesh of his ass tightly. Her long legs wrapped tighter around his narrow hips and her hot walls clamped unyieldingly around him, letting him know that she was close.

Not releasing her from his hold, he began to rock his hips viciously against her; his pelvic bone coming into contact with her swollen clit, rubbing it with just the right amount of pressure to finally push her over the edge. His wife screamed his name as her long nails dug half-moon shapes into the flesh on his ass where she held him against her and he hissed in pain against her skin at the feel of it. His teeth were still firmly clamped onto her neck as he too was sent over the edge shortly after her due to the pressure of her core being too much for him. "I'm sorry, Sakura," he whispered sheepishly after they caught their breath, kissing her tender flesh gently before propping himself above her so he could gaze into her eyes.

"It's okay, Sasuke-kun. I don't mind really," she spoke kindly causing him to smile softly down at her.

"Guess I took the whole vampire-human thing a little too seriously. You're going to have a bruise tomorrow for sure," his finger brushed the red imprint on her pale skin and he secretly loved when she wore his mark...of any kind. It allowed her many admirers to know she was officially off the market and he knew she felt the same whenever she left her own little marks on him as well.

"You know...," she whispered shyly, unable to meet his intense gaze. "I wouldn't mind doing it again," she bit her bottom lip before her eyes finally met his; her gaze holding him captive. "Only this time," she flipped their position swiftly, startling him for a moment before she smiled sweetly down at him. "I want to be the vampire." His smirk grew wide as his hands grasped her hips tightly, his thick shaft beginning to harden once again where it still lay deep within her.

"I'm looking forward to it." Sakura bent down and closed the distance between them, planting her soft lips firmly on his in a passionate kiss. 'Yeah, Halloween is going to be fun this year...that's for sure.'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now