🧡Naruto's Love🧡

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(A little bit of sasusaku & a little bit of NaruHina. At first I kinda saw this as sometime during blank period but now I'm not sure...I will let you decide what you think. I was trying something different so if it's horrible sorry!)
"I knew it was always going to be him for her. I never stood a chance," Naruto smiled softly as his eyes shimmered with emotions from the past. He glanced to the side and watched as his best friend's kissed each other softly, Sasuke's lone arm was wrapped protectively around the Haruno as hers were placed loosely around his neck.

"Then why did you fight so hard for her in the beginning," Shikamaru questioned kindly as he pulled the cigarette from between his lips, a small puff of smoke following shortly after.

Naruto turned to him, his expression both a little sad and resigned. "I had to keep her safe...for him. I had to protect her because if something ever happened to her, even back then, he would have never been the same person that he is now. I knew how much he cared for her, how much she really meant to him, even if he wouldn't have ever admitted it out loud...it was still obvious to me. Plus...," he looked at the young couple once more as they made their way from the room silently, hand in hand. "My love for her has changed over the years. I'm no longer in love with Sakura Haruno. I love her like family...like she's my own sister. Just like I see Sasuke as my own brother."

"And you're okay with it," Shikamaru asked curiously. "I mean with how everything turned out?"

"Of course. As long as they are happy...I'm happy." His blue orbs moved around the room, noticing several of their friends had left the small gathering already until they settled on a lone figure sitting several tables away. He downed his drink quickly and stood, reaching his hand over to shake his male companions before pushing his chair in. "Well, I'm going to head on out."

"See you later," Shikamaru waved casually as he slumped back in his seat, closing his eyes.

Naruto's strides were sure as he made his way through the small crowd until he came to a stop before the lone figure. He smiled kindly in her direction and watched (pleased) as her cheeks began to burn a deep shade of red. "Hey Hinata," he called casually as he stood before her. "I was just about to head out. Want me to walk you home?"

The shy girl stood to her feet shakily, a small smile playing on her lips as she tucked a loose strand of dark hair behind her ear; unable to meet his eyes she opted to glance at his sandal clad feet. "S-sure, Naruto-kun. I w-would like that very much." Naruto's smile grew as he took her hand gently in his before tugging her behind him towards the doors and out into the starry night.

A new love was in the air and Naruto Uzumaki was finally ready for it.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now