The Doll Diaries: A Trip to the Market

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(This one is a Sasusaku au snippet request! I've never written anything like it nor have I read any stories like this before but I hope you still like it!)


One hour earlier...

"Um, Teme...," Naruto's voice held curiosity as he continued to stare at his best friend or rather the small figure that was currently hanging onto the stump of his left arm. Sasuke was staring at him with a blank expression but the doll on the other hand had a rather... knowing look in her eyes; the likes of which sent shivers down Naruto's spine; he swallowed and shifted on his feet nervously.

"Tsk. What is it, Dobe?" Sasuke continued to look at him as if he was completely bored with the entire situation; which was more than likely the case because the Uchiha patriarch was ready to head out and find his wife so that the two of them could retire to the warm comfort of their home for the rest of the evening.

"Is that a... uh, is that a doll on your arm...," the blonde-haired boy couldn't help but ask, though Naruto already knew that he probably wasn't going to get a straight answer from the moody male; and he was correct.

"...shut up you Baka." Sasuke's dark glare didn't deter the Uzamaki, who continued to look back and forth between him and the doll with widened eyes; eyes that were full of confusion.

"But it's a... it looks exactly like Sakura-Chan and it's... I think it's staring at me...," Naruto visibly shuddered as he watched the doll shift slightly in his direction; the unblinking, green eyes and soft, gentle smile were making him uneasy.


"Did you hear that? I think it just giggled!" Naruto took several steps back; a look of horror crossed his features but Sasuke merely rolled his eyes at the display.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He tried to play it off; used to the unusual antics of his... companion AND everyone's reaction to her.

"Look at the thing, Teme!" The blonde Hokage was completely hysterical by now; causing the dark-haired shinobi to grow more and more irritated by the second. "Right there! I swear that it just blinked! I know so; I saw it!"

The Uchiha turned and began to walk away from the stunned and shocked Uzamaki; ignoring his stuttering and rambling as he closed the door quickly behind him. "I thought I told you to lay low," he hissed as he glanced down at the small figure whom had attached herself to the sleeve of his arm. The little doll only gave him her best smile and clung to him tighter.




They weren't something that Sasuke would have ever thought he would have considered to be... cute and cuddly. But, then again, if the stuffed toy happened to look exactly like his wife... then the patriarch thought that maybe he could make an exception; but just this once. Even still, as he glanced down at the small, plush figure who was attached to his sleeve, (eyeing her closely as she stared ahead) he thought that he may have been going crazy. He made a sound in the back of his throat as he continued to walk forward. "Tsk. So, annoying..."

The little doll tilted her small head upwards and her expression was pleasant and her eyes were unblinking as she focused on him; however, he noticed the subtitle twinkle in them as she looked up at him with amusement. He could have sworn that he heard her giggle but shook his head as he turned towards the path once again.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now