🔞 Use Me, Sakura 🔞

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(Sasusaku Boruto era)


Her heart was beating an erratic rhythm behind her rib cage as their soft lips continued to twist, bend, and mold themselves together while their (at first soft and gentle) kisses grew rougher and more intense; their exchange became much more urgent in their affections the longer they stayed in each other's presence. Sakura gasped sharply and her viridescent eyes went wide when she felt her husband's lone arm reach down, then wrap around her upper legs before lifting her up; only to sit her gently on the tabletop that he had been pressing her against only moments ago. Sakura allowed her arms to wrap around his strong shoulders to help keep her balance and their lips separated briefly so that they could gather some much-needed oxygen back into their lungs. Her irises perused his features lazily and she couldn't stop the sharp intake of air as she drank in the full sight of her lover.

His thin lips were slightly red, and swollen, from their harsh and desperate kissing...

... his dark clothing was a rumpled mess...

... and his black hair was disheveled from where the pink-haired medic had run her thin fingers continuously through the thick strands.

What stunned Sakura speechless for several minutes, and caused her breath to hitch in the back of her throat, was none of those things (for they would be considered as... mostly normal... occurrences when the two became entangled in their own passion); it was the soft pink blush that stained his upper cheeks, on his otherwise pale skin that gave her pause.

"S-Sasuke-kun...," her unspoken question hung in the air between them and her previously lax grip on his shoulders tightened when he leaned into her before brushing his swollen, damp lips against the soft, heated skin underneath her ear. Her breath quickened and her pulse danced in her veins when she felt his lips move to skim her earlobe before his hot breath fanned against her heated flesh; goosebumps broke out across the entirety of her skin and her eyes fluttered closed simultaneously as his hands moved upwards.

"Sakura," his voice was deep and husky; sending warm shivers shooting up and down the length of her spine and causing liquid fire to pooling in her core. The Uchiha patriarch moved his fingers to graze her cheek before settling his hand against the back of her neck; holding her in place with a lover's sweet caress. His voice was low and soft when he spoke again, but Sakura was still able to hear him over the loud and erratic pounding of her own heartbeat; his request sending her over the edges of her frail restraint. "Tsuma, use me for your pleasure... use my body in any way that you wish."

With the last shreds of her wavering control all but gone, she brought his lips to hers in a searing kiss before pulling him down on top of her.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now