Foolish Wife: Part 1

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His wife can be utterly foolish, he thinks as he holds her in a tight embrace.

A sasusaku snippet based around the Boruto era. (I had a dream about this one. It's a random thought and probably not canon, but I had to get it out.)



Sasuke couldn't hear his horror-filled screams as he raced to his wife's side, somehow managing to catch her with his arm before she hit the earth and rubble beneath their feet.

Sakura's body went completely limp in his strong hold and he maneuvered them slowly to the ground, with her resting across his thighs. Her head rolled to the side lazily and her cheek came to a stop against his broad chest, while one of her arms dangled to the side, unmoving. Thick, congealing blood covered her chest and bloomed outwards where her opponent's hand had once taken residence.

At first, the Uchiha patriarch couldn't tell if she was simply unconscious or worse... dead. But, as he scanned her, he saw the gentle rise and fall of her breast and breathed out a huge sigh of relief at the realization that his wife was still very much alive.

Sasuke's one-armed grip around her frame tightened and he turned to his blonde-haired companion with a dark and dangerous look in his eye that promised retribution.

"Is he—"

But he found himself unable to continue as a deep-seated anger nearly consumed him, the likes of which he hasn't felt since he was a young teen, and so he swallowed once (slowly) to try and keep himself in check. He met Naruto's harsh gaze and the man only nodded in affirmation to his friend's assessment.

"Good, because if not...," Sasuke growled as the past few minutes came rushing back to him, nearly crippling him.


"Sakura, what did you need to talk to us about? You know that there is a mad man on the loose right, and if we don't act swiftly... he might cause even more damage than he already has," Naruto insisted as he quickly entered her office, followed by the dark-haired Uchiha.

Both of them watched as Sakura circled her desk before she turned to them, a soft smile on her lips. "I had a few strategies in mind and needed to get them off my chest."

"Well," Naruto spoke again, his gaze fully focused on her. "Let's hear it. Because I've heard that he's our strongest opponent yet."

"That's saying something...," the pinkette mumbled before circling around them once again, but to their surprise she remained silent before exiting the room. The men looked at each other once and moved to follow her but found their way blocked by some invisible force.

"Sakura, what is this?"

"It's a barrier," she said simply, her expression solemn. "To keep you two safe." Sasuke's own features turned dark as he tried to push his way through it, but it was no use. She had them trapped, for the time being that is.

"Sakura," he growled, but she ignored him and turned to one of her nurses before leaning in to whisper something in the young woman's ear. The girl nodded and moved to the side to allow her boss to pass. Sakura turned to them with a sorrowful look.

"I'm sorry," she said simply before she was gone.

Only a few minutes had passed when Sasuke and Naruto had somehow convinced the poor nurse to break through the sealing barrier that was holding them both hostage and now they were making their way to the growing commotion as civilians scattered around them in an attempt to try and escape the expanding destruction.

When they hit a cloud of dust they paused, the sounds of fighting strong and as the obstruction began to dissipate, they finally saw it. Sakura Uchiha, in the middle of broken buildings with ribbons of black racing down her body and a tall figure standing across from her, readying himself for yet another attack.

In the blink of an eye, she had kicked off the ground, battle cry ready as her fist swung backwards at the same time as her opponents did. They collided with a force so powerful it shook the earth beneath their feet and to Sasuke's horror, both parties had landed a hit. Both aiming for the chest.

Sakura's hand had come out the other side with the man's heart held firmly in her grasp, while his remained firmly in her chest, unseen. After a brief pause, the man fell to the ground in a heap while Sakura's eyes rolled to the back of her head as her black markings began to fade.

Then... she was falling.

—end of flashback—

"How is she, Sasuke," Naruto questioned, concern evident in his tone as he moved in closer. Sasuke's hand flexed on her shoulder and he gazed at her silently, trying to scan her and check her vitals. But he was no medical nin, so he had little understanding on how to best diagnose his wife's unknown, unseen injuries.

"I honestly don't know," he stated in defeat. "We need to get Tsunade or Shizune here. She's alive, but that's about all I can tell at this point."

Naruto nodded his head, face grim as he turned to the few members of ANBU who had finally managed to show up and gave them some brief instructions to follow.

'Sakura, you can be so utterly foolish sometimes,' Sasuke thought as he continued to hold her in a tight embrace. He just prayed to the gods above that his wife would be fine.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now