Getting Advice from Your Brother

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(Au. Sasuke gets advice from his brother & friend on how to deal with an angry girlfriend)
Sasuke flopped down on the living room couch beside his brother and threw an arm over his eyes as he reclined into the plush cushions, his legs crossed at the ankles as they stretched out before him. Itachi smirked in amusement at his brother's dramatic behavior. He only ever got like this when it came to her. Sakura Haruno has somehow wormed her way under his younger brother's thick skin and he found it very amusing.

"What's wrong Sasuke," he questioned gently. Turning to look at Shisui, both teenagers exchanging a knowing look before their attention was once again focused on the younger teen. Sasuke sighed dramatically, causing Itachi's lips to twitch before he removed his arm from his eyes though his gaze remained on the ceiling, his brows drawing together in deep concentration.

"She's mad at me...again."

"Who," Itachi asked innocently, though his dark eyes held mirth as he teased his brother. Sasuke frowned at that and narrowed his eyes as they focused on his brother. Itachi held his hands up in defeat. "What did you do this time?"

"Why do you think it's something I did?"

"It's always something you did," Shisui pointed out and Itachi nodded his head in agreement. Sasuke's frown deepened as his dark gaze flickered between the two teens. He growled in irritation, crossing his arms over his chest and turning his head away. Itachi couldn't hold back the small upturn of his lips at that. His brother was such a drama queen.

"Did you forget an anniversary or something?"

"How many can there be?"

"Well women usually have one for many things such as the first time you met, maybe the first time you spoke, the first time you asked her out, the first time you..."

"Okay I get it," Sasuke huffed before running his hands through his thick locks; they fell to his lap as his head tipped down, effectively concealing his face from their gaze. "She's mad because I forgot to pick her up for our date last night. I thought she said she was meeting me so I waited at the diner for 30 minutes before texting her to see where she was. When I did, she called me and chewed me out saying she didn't want to go now because she didn't want to be seen with a..."

"A what," Shisui asked curiously before taking a sip of his coke.

"Forget it," Sasuke groaned. "Anyway, now she won't answer my calls or text. She had told me she was planning on spending the day with Ino but even still she always answers...ugh, how do I fix this?"

"For a woman that's kind of a big thing for her boyfriend to forget, Sasuke." Itachi placed his hand on his brother's shoulder and squeezed gently. "Honestly the best thing you could do is go to her and apologize."

"Well, what should I say?"

"There's more than one way to apologize you know," Shisui said with a wink and Sasuke huffed his annoyance.

"You're not helping."


"Just go to her Sasuke," Itachi interrupted. "Sakura is a good girl. You both care about each other. She won't stay mad at you for long. Trust me, even if she says she doesn't want to see you...she does."

"That doesn't make sense..."

"Women never make sense," Shisui offered as he flicked through the tv channels aimlessly. "It is why men will never be able to underhand the opposite sex. Women are too emotional. You're figuring that out the hard way."

"Why are you even here," Sasuke growled. Shisui just winked before turning his attention back to the tv. Sasuke sighed before looking to his brother who was smiling gently, encouragingly. "So... I should just go to her and say what exactly?"

"Just apologize. Even if you know your right it's the only way to win an argument with a woman."

"Why does it have to be so complicated?"

"Just answer this, do you care about her," Itachi asked even though he already knew the answer.

"Yes," Sasuke sighed.

"Do you want her in your life," Itachi prodded.

"Duh," Sasuke whispered.

"Then go apologize. Trust me she will come around." Sasuke leaned over and gave his brother a one-armed hug before rising to his feet and grabbing his car keys. But before he could leave Shisui stopped him.

"Hey and remember this," his smirk was downright sinful. "Makeup sex is the best."

Sasuke grabbed a book from the nearby bookshelf and threw it at the male, hitting him square in the forehead. Shisui groaned in pain as he rubbed the now small lump forming in the middle of his forehead.

"You're such a pig," Sasuke growled.

"Hey I'm willing to get down and dirty if you know what I mean," Shisui couldn't help but tease and Sasuke simply rolled his eyes. Both Itachi and Shisui's laugher followed Sasuke as he slammed the front door behind him. Itachi then turned to his best friend and shook his head.

"Why do you tease him so much?"

"Because he makes it to easy." Shisui took a sip of his drink before turning to Itachi, his expression for once grew serious. "He loves her doesn't he." It was more of a statement than a question but Itachi answered regardless.


"You think they will last then?" Itachi reclined on the sofa, his arms splayed along the back as he propped his feet on the coffee table. His eyes closed and he sighed contently, his lips pulled into a wide grin.


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