🐺The Wolves in the Woods🌲

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(A Sasusaku werewolf au. Not sure where I was going with this and I didn't know how to end it...I just wanted to try something a little different. I hope you like it anyway.)
The large, black wolf lifted his muzzle to the sky and sniffed deeply, the rich scent of pine and dirt assaulted his nostrils as he did so and he snorted softly as he attempted to find the object of his affections. When he finally picked up her scent, he took off quickly, following her trail through the thick brush until he came across a small clearing. There in the middle was his mate, her petite body in a crouched position as she took a long drink from a small pond that was surrounded by wildflowers and tall grass; if it wasn't for her snowy white fur, she might have blended in but because of her coloring she stood out easily against the dark browns and greens of the surrounding forest. Her small ears twitched and the she-wolf turned towards him when she picked up his scent, her green gaze slowly taking him in as he stood several feet away from her. The white wolf's appreciative scrutiny of his form made him stand a little taller...a little prouder; he was loving the way his mate was admiring him.

He walked to her after a few moments, his stride long and his steps strong before he stopped beside her. She rose to her paws and nuzzled his muzzle gently in greeting. The large black wolf let loose a sound almost like a purr that rumble deep within his chest and he nuzzled her back, pressing his large body to her side and pushing his nose into the fur on her neck. He felt his body begin to stir and when his mate sensed this, she began rubbing her tail against his playfully. The pair just couldn't seem to get enough of each other, they almost always seemed to be in some sort of heat. But now wasn't the time for that and so with a gentle lick to his female's nose he shoved his body gently into hers, telling her without words to follow him; which she eagerly did.

He took her back the way he had come, his nose guiding him to the place they would be calling home for the remainder of the month; the place he had created for just the two of them... their own little den. It was on the side of a jagged mountain; a small cave that was pushed back into the side of it whose entrance was protected by large bushes and trees, unspotted by anyone who didn't already know where to find it. He allowed her to enter before him after a few quick sniffs told him that it was safe and he watched her closely as she walked the room; her nose pressed against the ground in spots before she turned, her head tilting to the side as she stared at the large pill of pine needles and leaves, he had used to create a makeshift bed for the pair... for the time being anyway. She walked over and circled a few times before lowering herself into a tight ball, her tail coming around to cover her muzzle and her green eyes closed as she sighed contently. The black wolf moved swiftly to her side after quickly inspecting their surrounding one more time, making sure no enemies were close by, and he curled his large body around her smaller one, placing his head gently against the top of hers before closing his eyes as well.

It was tradition that called for them to shift and live as a true wolf pair did; in this way the young couple would come to know one another in wolf form to better strengthen their bond as mates. They had been pushed together quickly once they found one another, their families driving them to form a solid bond as soon as possible in the only way their wolf-side knew how to. The male had to show his female that he could be a strong mate; an excellent protector, an excellent provider, and eventually an excellent father. The female likewise had to show she could be faithful, supportive and most of all loving to him and their future family. The young pair were named Sakura and Sasuke. Now, after all the time they had spent together, they felt bonded. They were now fully and forever bound to one another in both body and soul because after all this time...they could say with one hundred percent certainty that they were both truly in love with the other and to them nothing else mattered.

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