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(Sasusaku au. Vampire Sasuke, human Sakura. To save her life he must turn her. Also, I kind of want to do something similar to this but in reverse...)
Sasuke approached with an air of caution and apprehension; the scent of blood was strong and he tried not to inhale to much of the sweet, delectable aroma; afraid he might send his darker side into a wild frenzy if he did so. The little crumpled up form became slightly larger the closer he got and he swallowed thickly; a powerful feeling of dread washing over him because he finally realized that it was definitely a human body laid out before him. He came to a stop several paces away and simply stared.

Blood soaked the ground...

The body was that of a young woman and she was probably close to his own age if he had to guess...

She was lying completely motionless on her side...

He was barely able to detect the movement and sounds of her weak pulse as it rose and fell in an uneven beat...

She was just barely clinging to life.

The thick, congealing blood was distracting him because there was just so much of the red, sticky substance surrounding the woman's small body; it was making it slightly hard for Sasuke to think straight and his nostrils began to flare as the sweet scent assaulted his nose. Control yourself, the raven-haired male thought as he knelt down next to her and merely stared at her; his gaze zeroing in on her delicate, feminine features.

Even on the brink of death, even being drenched in her own blood...

She was stunning...


Humans are so fragile...

Sasuke swallowed past the thick lump in his throat as he closed his dark eyes tightly for a brief moment as his mind raced. He knew what he would have to do to save her; it was obvious to him that she wouldn't make it much longer... but, if he changed her, would she hate him for doing it? For some reason, the thought that she would didn't sit well with him. He wasn't honestly sure why, but he was suddenly struck hard with an inexplicable feeling as if he couldn't live without her. Which was very odd for the young Uchiha considering he normally wouldn't care less about humans...or women in general for that matter. Sasuke shook his head to clear it before, although with a slightly heavy heart, making his decision to turn her. Turn her into one of his kind. Turn her into a vampire, and sure maybe it was for selfish reasons as to why he was doing this, but the young man decided he would deal with the consequences later and his face became a mask of determination. It's now or never.

Lifting her gingerly into his strong arms...

Tilting her head to the side, which gave him a perfect view of her smooth, pale flesh...

His sharp fangs descended...

.... before they sank deeply into the pliable skin that stretched across her throat....

Pushing his venom into her veins...

...turning her into...a vampire.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now