🦇 Intoxicating: Part 2🩸

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He will do anything to make her his, including breaking all of the rules.

Vampire Sasuke & human blood donor Sakura.
A sasusaku AU snippet.
A follow up to Intoxicating: Part 1.


Blood seeped from his busted lip, anger flashing in his red and black eyes, while his knuckles turned an eerie shade of white beneath the thick and congealed blood on his closed fists.

His lungs pressed up on his ribs, expanding his chest rapidly as he fought to keep himself in one position; a defensive stance blocking the angered vampires from his chosen prize, and that prize... was Sakura Haruno.

"Take another step...," he growled, arm muscles flexing as he glared daggers at the other two males. "And I will kill you both, with my bare hands." Sasuke could sense Sakura unease; her heartbeat ringing in his ears while the rush of her blood in her veins... beneath her warm flesh... called out to him; the more animalistic side. He took a staggering breath in as he tried to calm himself, but that only served to heighten everything around him; her scent calling to him... as it always seemed to do.

The larger of his opponents leaned forward... snarling with his sharp canines flashing in the dim lighting of the dingy bar. The horde around them murmured quietly amongst themselves, their voices drowning out the soft pattering of rainfall that had begun only moments ago.

"You do realize you are breaking the law, you bastard."

"I don't give a damn...," Sasuke seethed; body shifting slightly when he detected movement to his right. "I said to back off, now. Let us pass."

"I won't let you leave with her. She's unmarked... which means that she's fair game. You have your human, so why don't you leave this one to us. The stupid bitch is doing just fine without you."

Sasuke's dark eyes flashed and he was about to race forward, to attack again, when a small, trembling hand on his shoulder stopped him. He stiffened, but he didn't look back at the young woman holding onto him tightly. "Sakura, stop. Get back. It's not safe."

"No... I..."

"I'm not going to let you get hurt! Now, step away."

"Sasuke...," she persisted, her hand clamping onto his shoulder to try and turn him... but it was like trying to move a brick wall with your bare hands; impossible. "I... I know how we can get out of this," she whispered, tugging on him.

Sasuke's jaw ticked and his dark brows twitched when his opponents stepped closer; closing in. "What... are you talking about?" He turned slightly when she jerked his arm roughly... but refused to remove his gaze from the black eyes staring at them from across the room.

"Mark me."

'What... did she just say?'

Sasuke's undead heart skipped several beats before stuttering back to life, and his chest seemed to tighten as his throat ran dry. His gums throbbed at the idea of tasting her again, but he tried to mentally reprimand his vampiric side (for the time being) because he needed to focus on the task at hand. His nails dug into the soft flesh of his palms, and his sharp teeth clamped tightly together as he hissed under his breath. "What?"

"I want you to mark me."


"Sasuke, please. It's... the only way they will stop."

"You do realize what that means; what it would mean for you..."

"I understand," Sakura whispered, burrowing her plump cheeks against his strong back. "I... don't know what it is... but I feel safe, with you... and I just don't want to live like this anymore."

"But... if I mark you..."

"I know it will connect us... forever. I... know what I will be giving up. But, I can also tell that I will be gaining so much more. You are different from them, Sasuke... you really, really are. I... I believe that with my whole heart."

He scoffed. "You shouldn't trust a vampire, Sakura."

"Please... you know that they won't stop." He did. "You know they won't let me live after this if you leave." He did. "I know... I know you want this too. I can see it, in your eyes. Everytime I look at you, I can tell." Oh gods, did he want her.

"Do it...," she hissed under her breath; against his ear. Their enemies advanced while she whispered one final word. "Now."

With swift precision he shifted... arm wrapping around her waist to twist her around so that her back was now against his front. Sasuke's teeth descended, sharp and pointy, and brushed against her throat as he pulled her head to one side... exposing the broken, bloodied skin already on her delicate, pale neck.

Her pulse was pounding beneath his fingertips...

... her blood was rushing in her veins...

... and her breath had frozen in time as she waited for him to make her his... forever.

He whispered a soft apology before striking. A shrill cry escaped Sakura's lungs as his teeth claimed the place above her artery; striking as swiftly as a snake, before sinking deeper. Fresh blood oozed from the wound and everything seemed to stop as he pulled the first drink from her with his lips. His black eyes rolled and his grip tightened as he sucked and pulled the blood from her body. The other vampires halted... while their nostrils flared in anger at the sight before them.

When she relaxes against him, he shifts to help hold her weight while his dark eyes open wide to watch the others around him. Slowly, he pushes his essence in and she moans; her nails digging into his thighs where they grasp onto the fabric tightly. She whispers his name, a soft groan, while he licks at her shredded skin to help close the gaping wound.

The marking process wasn't pretty... and under normal circumstances he would have liked to take her home to do it in private, but they didn't have that luxury. So, with slight unease, he finished... opening her skirt to reveal her smooth thighs before digging his nails into her flesh and etching his family's crest into her unblemished skin; a permanent reminder for all of who she belonged to.

Surprisingly, Sakura remained mostly silent during this process; probably due to blood loss slipping her in and out of consciousness... but either way... Sasuke was thankful. "There," he said after pulling his hand away from her leg and retracting his nails; eyeing the male's dangerously. "It's over. She's mine. Now... stand aside so that we may pass."

Reluctantly, they did as he asked and Sasuke lifted the unconscious female into his arms before walking to the doors; intent on leaving this whole ordeal behind them. He was stopped however when a deep and gruff voice called out to him from behind. "You won't get away with this...," the larger male seethed. His partner nodded in agreement. "The council will know about this, bastard. Mark my words. Your little human won't last long."

"I welcome them to try...," Sasuke said before stepping out into the night. His strides took him to his car and he gently placed Sakura inside, and buckled her seatbelt, before moving to the driver's seat. Once they were on the road, he pulled out his phone and quickly hit a few buttons before putting it to his ear. As soon as the last ring sounded, he began to speak swiftly into the phone. "Call a group meeting. We have a problem."

"What did you do this time, Sasuke?"

His brother's playful demeanor changed instantly upon his confession. "I drank from an unmarked... and then I marked her... with our family crest and my essence."

"Shit. Get here as soon as you can. Bring her too."

"I was going to. We are about 2 hours away."

"Sasuke... please... be careful."

His grip on the steering wheel tightened. "I always am." They both knew that was a lie... but as Sasuke sped down the interstate, he couldn't help but think—

'What in the hell did I just get myself into...'


Author's Notes:

If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

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