Free Falling ✈️

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A sasusaku AU snippet. (Rated 18+ for language.)


"I can't believe you talked me into this, pig," Sakura hissed as the instructor strapped her into her safety harness. Ino Yamanaka smirked as she was finishing up with her own safety precautions, before placing her hands on her hips.

"Don't act like you aren't excited for this."

Sakura scoffed. "I'm not excited. I'm fucking terrified." The female instructor pulled on her straps, to get them as tight as possible, before patting Sakura reassuringly on her left shoulder.

"Don't worry, we have the most experienced jumpers out there to help you. You won't be going alone, remember."

"Thanks a lot," Sakura spoke sarcastically while rolling her eyes. The pinkette grasped firmly onto her thick straps and begrudgingly followed after her best friend to the awaiting plane, wishing that she was anywhere else but here.

'I hope I don't regret this...,' she thought as she took one final break before slowly ascending the stairs to what she could only assume would be her demise.


'Holy shit, this guy is a fucking hottie.'

The young woman wasn't paying attention to anything that the handsome man was saying, for she was way too busy gawking at him, to actually focus. His mouth was moving as he told them of the rules and regulations for skydiving, and even though she knew that what he was saying was vitally important, she just couldn't seem to concentrate.

'Wait... am I drooling? Why is he looking at me? What did he say? Do I have something in my teeth? Did he just ask me a question? Oh god, did I remember to brush my teeth this morning? Why is he still staring at me?'

Sakura forced a tight-lipped smile at him and watched as the guy's mouth twisted, although she wasn't sure why. When he turned to talk to his partner... a tall, pale, equally attractive man... she took in a sharp breath before letting it out slowly. Ino scooted to her side and elbowed her in the ribs to grab her attention. "So, are you excited now?"

"My feelings haven't changed, pig." It was Ino's turn to roll her eyes.

"Come on, it'll be fun. Plus... we get to be super close to these guys," the blonde winked and Sakura's heart began to pound as the men finished their hushed conversation and then made their way over to the two women.

The spiky haired boy (Sasuke was his name?) smirked at her and held his hand out to help her to her feet. "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess," Sakura half-laughed.

Ino leaned in and smiled before opening her mouth. "She's scared shitless. Good luck!" Sakura practically growled at her while the blonde simply shrugged before skipping over to her own diving buddy. Sasuke nudged her foot with his to grab her attention once more.

"Don't worry about it. I was scared the first time I jumped."

"Really," she asked skeptically.

"Yeah, but you get used to it after a while." Sakura highly doubted that she would ever 'get used to it' as Sasuke said, but she didn't have much time to think about it before he was grabbing her wrist and dragging her towards the doors.

The flashing exit sign made her heart pound even more... but the thing that really set it offbeat was when she felt a presence at her back... then large palms brushing against her hips. She jumped. "Hey, relax...," he whispered in her ear, before pulling his own straps around to interlock with hers. Sakura heard the distinct sound of his hooks clicking with hers and felt his front brushing firmly against her back which caused her harsh breath to hitch slightly at his close proximity. "There we go. Hey, you ready to go man?"

"Yup, all set."

Sasuke brushed his fingers gently against her hand before grasping onto the door's handle. "You ready?"

Sakura swallows. Several times. "Yeah... I'm ready."


"Holy shit!"

She couldn't help but to curse, over and over again as she watched her best friend plunge further and further to the ground below. "I thought you said you were ready," Sasuke teased as he shuffled them closer to the opened doorway.

Sakura's hands were like a vice on their joint straps... her palms slightly sweat while the wind wiped her pink-colored locks around them. She felt Sasuke lean into her, his arms coming over to wrap around her waist as he hoisted her to the edge of the platform. She gasped. "Do you always go around man-handling your customers?"

Sakura couldn't see it, but could tell that he was smirking by his tone of voice. "Only the pretty ones." This caused her heart to falter slightly, a painful twisting to form in her gut, until—

"So far, you're the only pretty one."

With that, they jumped.

"Oh my god! Shit! Shit! Shit!!! Fuck me!"

Her green eyes were closed tightly, her figure completely rigid, while her grip on the straps was deadly (her knuckles turning an ugly shade of white) as they made their plunge. Sasuke had released his hold on her and spread his arms and legs out wide, forcing her own body to form the same 'star shape' that he had, apart from her arms of course.

The wind was punishing, but the thrill made her heart beat like crazy. She didn't want to look, yet... as Sasuke spoke some encouraging words to her, she finally did.

And the sight before her, was breathtaking.

All too quickly though, their freefall was over and Sasuke had reached around them to pull on a few of the strings... the mechanism for their parachute deploying and causing their bodies to jerk back upwards for a fraction of a second before they slowly began to make their descent to the ground below.

"Wow...," Sakura said on a breath while her gaze shifted to the white, fluffy clouds surrounding them; the sun bright where it was set on the far-off horizon. "It's... beautiful."

"Hai. You can understand why I love doing what I do."

Sakura chuckled. "Yes, but... I don't think it's for me." She heard him laugh... a sound that caused her heart to flutter, though not for the first time that day she was ashamed to say.

"You're doing fine for your first time."

"Yes, well I—"

Soon enough, they hit the ground running, before Sasuke had wrapped his arms around her waist to steady her as they came to a stop. However, he didn't release her right away like she had initially thought that he would. Instead, the male held onto her a little longer than necessary, until he finally, and very slowly, reached around to unbuckle the straps and hooks that held them tightly together.

"So...," he started to ask as she turned to face him, finally free; though the space between them remained close. "Do you think that it will be your last or do you think you will go with me again?"

She paused. Her viridescent eyes focused intensely onto him. Thinking.

"Maybe I'll do it again, but... we'll see."

His smile seemed genuine as he reached forward to tuck a few loose strands of her hair behind her ear. "Fair enough. Though I was hoping that we could do this again sometime soon."


Author's Notes:
If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

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