Coffee Date with Ino 🤭

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Ino's icy blue eyes seemed to spear Sakura in place and she fidgeted slightly in her seat, the grip she had on the mug in front of her tightened slightly as she attempted to avert her eyes and focus on anything else other than the young woman currently attempting to grill her for information about her relationship with a certain dark haired Uchiha.

"Just admit it forehead," Ino jabbed as she took a sip of her own coffee. "You have been seeing Sasuke for a while now and didn't even bother to inform me. I'm hurt." Sakura rolled her eyes before letting out a huge sigh.

"Why can't you just leave it alone Ino-pig? It's not that big of a deal."


"Shhh," Sakura hissed as she glanced around the small cafe only to see an older couple staring at them with contempt. She smiled apologetically before turning to glare at her best friend. "Keep your voice down." It was Ino's turn to roll her eyes.

"Seriously though how can you think it isn't a big deal! You have loved him since...well forever," this made Sakura blush, "and he...well he always seems to have a stick shoved up his ass."

"Ino!" Sakura frowned as she took a small sip of her coffee before pointing a finger at the blonde. "I could say something rude about your boyfriend Sai but I don't. If you're going to act like a bitch I'm just going to leave."

"Come on Sakura. You know your man is emotionally constipated," Ino smirked as she took a bite of the delicious pastry she ordered when they first walked in the store a few minutes prior.

"If Sasuke is emotionally constipated then Sai has emotional diarrhea out the mouth. That man has no filter." Ino nearly choked on her pastry, face turning a fiery shade of red.

"Why you..."

"Don't get your parties in a twist," Sakura waved her off as she glanced out the large window their table sat beside to watch a couple passing by, hand in hand. She smiled.

"You do realize what you just admitted to," Ino smirked after a moment as she crossed her arms over her chest. Sakura glanced at her and frowned. What had she admitted to? "That Sasuke is your man." It was Sakura's turn to blush.

"I did not."

"Say what you want," Ino shrugged, "but you definitely didn't deny it. So, seriously how long have you been seeing know romantically." Ino propped her chin on one of her hands, eyed glued to the pink haired woman.
Sakura hesitated. Her and Sasuke has agreed to keep their relationship low key for the time being. With everything being so new to them both (having never been in a relationship before each other) they didn't want their friends interfering or trying to give them advice on how a relationship should work. They wanted to explore everything together and learn as they went. So far it was going well...better than well if you asked Sakura.

"...About three months...give or take a few days."

"Eek," Ino's squeal reverberated off of the surrounding walls and the old couple huffed at them before getting up from their table to leave. Sakura whispered a silent apology to them before turning to her blonde friend. "I can't believe it! I'm so happy for you both. Took you all long enough. I mean the sexual tension between you two has been stifling."


"Seriously though, you guys have done it already, right?"


"Oh my gosh you have! How many times? When...where!?!" Ino was way to excited about this topic in Sakura's opinion.

"That's private pig," she growled before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Just answer me this one question and I will stop...for now."

Sigh. "What is it?"

"How big is he?" Sakura smacked her forehead while turning a deep shade of red.

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