🩺 Check-Up 🩺

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Charasuke came back home from a short mission with a few minor scrapes & cuts, but he acts like he's dying, just to get his girlfriend's undivided attention.

A sasusaku AU short snippet.


"Sasuke, I said stop that."

The young medic placed her hands on her curvy hips and huffed out in annoyance while she stood next to the bed of her ornery patient.

The dark-haired Uchiha frowned, bottom lip puffing out as he looked at her between thick lashes. "But it hurts, kitten."

Sakura rolled her eyes at him before grasping onto his wrist firmly, then pulled it toward her to examine it more closely. She tossed it to the side seconds later. "It's just a minor abrasion. You're fine. Now, go home."

"But, my leg also hurts."

"I've checked there," she huffed and glared at him. "It's nothing but a few minor bruises." His dark eyes shifted while he began to think of other ways to get her to stay with him.

"But I..."

"Go. Home. Now. I have real work to do." She turned to leave, but he grabbed her wrists and yanked her close. The woman practically growled at him but he ignored it; his bottom lip trembling as he tried to look as innocent as possible; but Sakura wasn't having it.

"Kitten, I..."

She shook her head and crossed her arms. "No."

"Can't you just look at...," he tried again, but his lover interrupted him.

"I said no."

"But I just..."

"Ugh! Sasuke! Go home! I will see you later, alright."

The Uchiha's demeanor changed and he slumped his shoulders in defeat before nodding his head solemnly. He got up from the bed and began to make his way to the door before stopping abruptly and turning to look at the pink-haired medic as she stacked his papers back into his folder. Sasuke gazed at her longingly... before swiping his tongue across his lips. One more thought came to mind and he was sure she would injure him for it, but he had to tease her... at least a little.

He wouldn't be Sasuke Uchiha if he didn't.


"Argh, what now?"

He waited for her to look at him before smirking... that signature look that always seemed to melt her icy cold demeanor and send her straight to his arms... at least, it did so in his dreams. But, reality—

"You didn't check everywhere."

Her brows furrowed in confusion. "What are you talking about, Sasuke? Of course I did."

"No, you missed a spot."

Sakura picked up his medical chart again and glanced over it, murmuring words under her breath like 'arms' and 'legs' then looked up at him again. "I did a full body scan, Sasuke. I checked everything."

"Nope... you didn't, kitten." Sasuke's "shit-eating" grin grew wider as her eyes narrowed. "You didn't check my wood, to see if it was okay." She blinked; once, twice—

"Your... woo..."

The youngest Uchiha watched (from a safe distance of course) as her cheeks began to blaze a bright shade of red and whilst her fists clenched at her sides.

The pinkette opened her mouth to speak, but he simply winked at her before disappearing into a thick cloud of swirling smoke. As he ran from the building... he could hear her voice clear as day, (as she looked at him from the hospital's window) screaming unknown obscenities at him, while also declaring retribution later.

A wide smirk was on his face, even though he knew that he would be in for a lot of hell later on... when she got home from work.


Author's Notes:

If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

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