Comfort: Part 1

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(Sasusaku; sweet & very light teasing. This one is a rough draft so if it's not great I apologize!)
When he called out to Sakura moments ago, Sasuke didn't receive a reply which he found odd as she would normally answer him right away. He quickly removed his cloak and sandals, placing them in their appropriate spots before his ears picked up on a low, faint sound coming from the back bedroom, their room. He followed the noise and after entering their room he closed the door softly behind him making his way to their attached bathroom where the sound originated from; he could sense his wife's chakra coming from inside. He heard her muffled cries clearly even through the thick wooden door that stood firmly between them; even over the sound of the running shower that was probably meant to drown out her sorrows. His heart clinched tightly and he felt his fist do the same as he stood on the other side, listening to his wife breaking down just feet away. He hated it when she cried, always seemed to break something within him every time he saw the wet tears fall down her smooth cheeks or hear the sobs that always seemed to rake her entire body when her emotions ran high, just like they did tonight; he couldn't blame her, not after the day they had. When he heard another heart wrenching sob escape her, he couldn't take it any longer and reached for the doorknob. Turning it, he pushing the door open slightly so he could slip inside the steamy room before closing them in.

He swiftly made his way to the tub before tugging the curtain aside. There, his wife stood, her hands covering her face as she tried to stifle her soft cries; most likely not wanting to wake up their young daughter who slept close by. Her eyes appeared to be shut behind her fingers and her body was trembling slightly as she stood under the harsh spray. His body moved immediately, forgetting or uncaring that he was still fully clothed he stepped in and wrapped his body protectively around her. She seemed to startle for just a moment but soon relaxed against him. He fought his own body's normal reaction at being so close to his wife's nude body, favoriting the need to comfort Sakura above all else. Even so he couldn't stop his cock from hardening had been a while since they...but he chose to ignore it for the time being. They would have time for that later.

He tangled his fingers through her damp hair and pulled her as close to him as he could, his arm wrapping around her shoulders to hold her tightly to him. She grasped his shirt firmly in her palms, almost tearing the thin fabric as she began to sobbed anew. After several moments in which he simply held her she finally began to calm, her harsh sobs turning into small sniffles as she nuzzled her cheeks deep into his hard chest.

"I'm sorry Sasuke-kun...I..."

"Don't apologize Sakura. There's no need. I understand."

She chuckled weakly as she lifted her head to look up at him and his expression soft as he met her gaze. "Sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself," she teased, lips pulling up into a small smile. That's my girl.

"Hn." Her smile began to loosen slightly as her mind started to wonder and the edges of her lips began to dip downwards. He didn't like that so he brought his hand to her chin and started rubbing  soothing circles over her bottoms lip with his thumb. "Want to talk about it?"

"I just...I know she's a shinobi and these kinds of things go with the territory but Sasuke-Kun...I just worry. It's a mother's job to worry, isn't it?"

"Sakura, you're an exceptional mother and trust me when I say that as long as I'm around...I won't let anything happen to either of my girls." Her cheeks tented a light shade of pink at his compliment and declaration. "Have a little more faith in Sarada. She is our daughter after all." Sakura smiled at him once more and he felt his heartbeat quicken. "Have I told you lately how lucky Sarada and I are to have you," he whispered, his eyes shining with all the love he held for his wife as he gazed deeply into her green orbs.

"I'm the lucky one," Sakura said with a gentle smile that Sasuke returned. They stared at each other for a few minutes, basking in the love and support they felt from one another until Sakura's eyes began to slowly roam his body. They lowered past his jaw and widened slightly when she seemed to just now realized he was standing in the shower completely clothed. She gasped before leaning away from him slightly. "Sasuke-Kun...why are you still dressed? Your clothes are soaking wet now. Go take them off before you ruin them." She pulled out of his hold and turned away from him but not quickly enough to mask the heated blush that rose onto her pale cheeks. He smirked and his dark eyes danced playful as he grabbed her once more, turning her around swiftly so she was once again facing him.

"Well then why don't you help me take them off...wife," he purred softly as he moved his hand to her lower back. She just rolled her eyes kindly before rising on her tip toes, planting a firm kiss against his lips. Sasuke smirked into the kiss as he moved Sakura backwards until the bare skin of her back hit the cold tiles of the shower, causing her to gasp loudly. "Shh, Sakura...unless you want Sarada to hear you," he growled. His head dipped low so his soft lips could press against Sakura's collarbone, his bangs brushing her cheek and he heard her moaned lowly; his lips pulling up in satisfaction at her eager reaction. Tonight, he would take her worries away, he would heal her heart...even if it was just for a moment, he would make sure it was one that she would remember for years to come.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now