A Sorry State of Affairs

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Sakura is captured... to get back at Sasuke? She can't seem to understand why though. Sasusaku au. Mafia boss, Sasuke and his girl, Sakura.

This one will be 18+ due to violence and cursing; so please be advised if you are underaged OR if this isn't you thing! You have been warned.

P.S. I'm sorry about this one, Sakura! Just know that I really, really am!

On another note... (SPOILER ALERT) ... this one does ends with a cliffhanger! So, I may OR may not, do a part 2; I haven't decided yet though.


'I have to get out of here, now! I just have to find a way out of this place; someway... somehow!'

She was standing; arms straining upwards above her head at an awkward angle and Sakura was slowly losing feeling in the tips of her fingers the longer she stayed in this position. She couldn't remember how she got there; she just knew that she had to get out... and by whatever means necessary.

The frigid metal resting against her tightly bound wrist was uninviting and sent a cold shiver down her spine. She pulled continuously against the taut bindings, but her efforts proved to be futile and only served to drain Sakura of much needed energy; for the hard material was unyielding. It had also begun to rub her poor wrist raw, due to her efforts to try and escape. Small droplets of her blood had started to drip down the length of her arms; where they then fell to the concrete flooring after reaching the point of her elbows.

The pinkette huffed, cursed, and grumbled under her breath, as each passing second only seemed to enhance her growing irritation and anger.

The young woman was getting ready to call out, in a fit of unrepressed and unconstrained rage, when she heard the doorknob jiggle. The sounds of locks being released followed soon after; right before it swung open to reveal three large and imposing men. The largest one stepped forward; moving until he was only standing just a few feet away from her and he wore a rather ugly looking mask upon his face, so that she couldn't see any of his features; apart from his darkly-colored irises. The color was blacker than night and filled with unabashed hatred; which was directed right at her.

"Where is he?" The deep, gravely tone told her of the man's many years of smoking and the smell emanating from his breath indicated he had been drinking rather heavily; most likely right before he came in to interrogate her.

Sakura leaned back, only slightly, and narrowed her sea green eyes; readying herself for what she was about to do.

The pink-haired female gathered as much saliva into her mouth as she could; before promptly and briskly thrusting her head forwards; spiting the gathered mass directly into the man's masked face.

"Go to hell, you asshole!" The venom in her voice didn't deter the man however; it only served to anger him further. He reared backwards quickly and lifted his hand before—


Sakura's head was thrust to the side with a small cracking sound and her poor brain was bouncing around inside of her skull for several painful seconds before she gathered herself enough to face the man once again; her angry, darkened gaze narrowed further as she glared daggers at the male whom dared to harm her.

She felt her flesh begin to burn and tingle where he had slapped her across the cheek and a few, very small drops of blood, fell from her now split bottom lip before they dripped onto the floor; but she didn't falter. She didn't cry out; but she did allow a small smirk of pride to form on her mouth when the man's anger seems to grow stronger... due to her insolence.

"Bitch, I asked you a question; so, answer me!"

"Fuck you; ignorant son of a bitch," the pinkette screamed as she spat at him; though this time, he avoided it by stepping to the side. His eyes flashed with irritation before settling into a dark look of anger and hatred. His hand swung back again before hitting its intended target.


This time, a large splatter of blood flung from her opened mouth before landing a few feet away; to stain the pale flooring with her fluids. She ground her teeth together in order to hold back the cry of pain that threatened to escape her lips. Sakura wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her crumble. She wouldn't look weak; not in front of them.

"Hey, boss. I have an idea. How about we make things a little more interesting...," one of his men exclaimed; a dark gleam in his brown eyes; the likes of which made Sakura's blood run cold... and for the first time, she felt real fear gripping at her heart. However, she hid it well with her fiery spirit and unpredictable temper.

"How so?" The leader asked as he scratched his chin thoughtfully while glancing at his goon with a look of only mild interest.

"How about we send that Sasuke guy a video of his little whore here getting her ass beat. Maybe even do it live or something. I bet he would come out of hiding then and we could go ahead and off them together; you know, like at the same time."

Dread began to fill Sakura's heart when all three men turned to look at her almost simultaneously and it was then that she knew what was coming afterwards; it definitely wasn't something that she was looking forward to—

"Get the cameras ready. It looks like we are going to play a new game. I grow tired of this little 'cat and mouse' thing we have going on anyway." He took a large step towards her; grasping onto her chin with the tips of his long fingers, to force her to look into his black eyes more directly. "Guess you don't have to tell us where he is after all, sweetheart. Because when he sees what we've done to his girl... he's going to come to us on his own. Especially, if it means saving you." The young woman could only roll her eyes and scoff at his ignorance.

"Ha, Sasuke doesn't give a fuck about me. Your plans not going to work. You guys are complete morons."

His lips pulled into a twisted smile; one full of evil intent. The pinkette couldn't stop herself from swallowing harshly and the metallic taste of her own blood began to grow sour against the tip of her tongue. Her breathing increased at the same time that her heart began to palpate frantically in her chest.

'Maybe... could I be wrong? Does he really care about me that much... to come and save me?'

His rancid breath was hot against her cheek as he leaned in to whisper into her ear. "Sasuke will come. He cares for you, more than you think..."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now