Mother & Daughter Cuddles

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Small feet made their way down the dimly light hallway until they reach their destination. The small figure used her free hand to push the semi-closed door she stood in front of open further, making room for her small body to squeeze through the gap before she closed it once more. She turned then, dark eyes squinting as they adjusted to the dark interior; her small hand was holding onto her blanket tightly while her thumb was encased in her warm mouth, something that at her age comforted her greatly. She moved slowly so as not to make a peep, moving closer to the side of the bed that would have been her fathers had he been home but alas that hadn't been for a long time. She climbed clumsily onto the plush mattress, her night dress getting caught under her knees causing her to fall slightly as she made her way to the head of the bed. Laying on her side she curled into a tight ball, her eyes focused on the sleeping figure on the opposite side of the bed. Her mother's pink hair was scattered about her pillow, but it shone brightly in the small sliver of moonlight that filtered in through the crack in the curtains and she watched in silent fascination as her mother's chest rose and fell evenly, one of her hands splayed out just above her stomach. Her mother's face was peaceful in her sleep apart from the dark circles under her eyes and she contributed that to the lack of sleep her mother always seemed to be deprived of but even so Sarada thought she was the most beautiful person in the world; no one could compare in her eyes.

She gently reached her tiny hand over to stroke her mother's soft cheek and watched as Sakura opened her tired eyes slowly, turning her head to the side to observe her young daughter. "Sarada," her mother's voice was slightly husky due to the sleep still clinging to her tired mind but nonetheless she turned onto her side fully to face the young girl; giving her full attention to the young child as she tried to rub the sleep from her eyes. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" The slight worry in her voice caused Sarada's heart to warm; her mother was such a kind and loving person, always caring for others needs above her own; she admired her for that and hoped to be like her one day.

"Nothing's wrong Mama," Sarada assured her as she spoke around the thumb in her mouth. Her eyes darted to the side, suddenly a little shy. "Can... can I sleep in here with you tonight," she whispered. Her mother smiled warmly before pulling her daughter into her arms, wrapping her close to her body and cocooning her in a warm embrace.

"Of course, you can honey." Sarada smiled and closed her eyes before breathing in deeply. Her mother's strong presence helped ease her mind and she felt herself drifting closer to the edges of sleep. But something nagged at the back of her mind and she felt compelled to ask and so she tilted her head up to look at her mother, noticing that she had already closed her eyes; a content look on her face as she held her daughter close.

"Mama." She received a hmm as a reply. "When is Papa coming home?" She felt her mother's arms tighten around her slightly and felt her heart began to beat quicker, awaiting her mother's answer.

"I'm not sure," she finally answered and Sarada felt her lips tug down, her displease clearly written on her tiny face. "But," Sakura began again and Sarada waited with baited breath for the rest. "I do know that your father loves us both dearly and he will try his hardest to come back as soon as he can. He misses us as much as we miss him when he's away but we have to stay strong. We need to be here when he returns so that way, he always has a place to come home to, a place where people love and support him. Do you understand?" Sarada thought about it a moment before nodding. She did understand and she knew that even if she didn't like it, her mother was right. She wanted to be there for her mother and she wanted to be there for her father when he finally returned home. She snuggled closer to her mother's side and closed her eyes once more, enjoying the soothing touch of her mother's fingers which brushed loosely through her dark hair; the same color as her father's.

"I love you Mama."

"I love you too, Sarada." Sarada felt at peace in Sakura's embrace and felt herself slowly drifting into a deep slumber; one filled with dreams of a time when both her father and mother were home, a time when she had everything she could ever want under one roof. She hoped it could be like that again one day soon.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now