Lost & Found

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Naruto sends out a clone in order to find his best friends; he needs them to come home. What he discovers however, when he finally finds them, is shocking; but only just.

(—Sasusaku blank period type of snippet—)


'Where in the hell are they?'

Two days. It had been two full days since he first set out and so far, Naruto was having no luck in finding his two friends; even with the coordinates of their last known location.

He was getting overly tired...

... he was also starving; hungry for some ramen...

... and he was beginning to lose hope that he would indeed find them to deliver his message.

That is...

... until he found it.


After two days of nonstop go, go, go—

The smallest hint of Sasuke's chakra signature began to spark to life and Naruto quickened his pace... or rather his clone did... in order to reach his companion in the quickest time possible. His heart lightened significantly when he suddenly felt Sakura's presence as well; knowing that the two people, whom were practically family to him, were safe and sound... and together; as he would have assumed that they would be.

He was coming upon them; fast.

When he finally reached them however—


That was the only prominent emotion that Naruto was actually feeling; although, confusion and... wonder were also swirling within him.

The blonde hero watched in surprised silence as Sasuke (a stoic, broody, and fowl-mouthed male) pressed Sakura (a spirited, fiery, ill-tempered, but rather sweet female) roughly against a brick wall; trapping her between them as red lips and long limbs intertwining in a wild, frantic manner.

The alleyway that they were currently standing in was nearly pitch-black; but even still, he could easily make out every single detail of their rather passionate moment.

It warmed his heart greatly; for it had been many long and hard years for the young (but obviously very much in love) couple to make it to this point. After a while though, Naruto cleared his throat; ready for his presence to be known so he could get down to the real reason for his sudden and unexpected appearance.

But when Sasuke turned to meet his gaze... black and red swirled angrily (his visual prowess sharpening) alongside the deep purple hue of his Rinnegan... Naruto felt a small tremor of fear begin to slowly race up and down his spine. 

The vexation within his best friend (brother) was nearly palpable and he watched with anxiety as the Uchiha pushed himself (gently) away from a still shocked and slightly dazed Sakura; stalking over to the clone of Naruto, whom had begun to back up slowly; his hands thrown into the air in a universal sign of complete surrender.

Nothing would dampen Sasuke's mood though; that fact was very clear to the blonde jinchuriki.

Naruto opened his big mouth to speak, ready to apologize for the intrusion, but no sound came...

... because he was suddenly frozen. Unable to move due to the terror racing through his body; he was trapped in his friend's gaze.

Step, step, step...

... closer and closer, until—

The last thing that Naruto's clone sees before he disappears into a thick cloud of white smoke is the sharp blade of Sasuke's very own Kusanagi and the deep anger within his mismatched orbs.

Naruto knew in that moment that there would be hell to pay later when he sees the dark-haired nin next; for encroaching on Sasuke's alone time with Sakura.

The blonde was not looking forward to their next encounter; so, for now... he made the conscious decision that he would just send a hawk to give them the message instead.

Maybe by the time they returned, Sasuke would be in a better mood and have forgiven him... he highly doubted it though.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now