A Bar, A Fight, & a Little Bit of Gambling

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Tsunade and Sakura going out.

During Sakura's training; between the original Naruto series and Naruto Shippuden.

This one is really random; I'm sorry. 🥴


Sakura Haruno was extremely exhausted from today's training session with her Shishou; having not fully recovered from the many broken bones and torn ligaments that she had to endure over the last four hours... straight.

The pink-haired kunoichi would love to say that she was headed home; for a relaxing bath before tucking herself underneath her soft comforter in order to catch just a few hours of much needed sleep before she had to get up again in the morning for a short mission with her temporary teammates.

She would also love to say that she wasn't a 14-year-old girl... who was about to step into a bar with her already slightly drunken blonde-haired, large-chested, and loud-mouthed master.

Yes, Sakura would have loved to say all of that... but she couldn't because she found herself doing just that.

'Why did I ask to be her apprentice again...,' the young teenager thought as she moved closer to the older woman when a man at the counter sent her an overly curious look; making her shift back and forth uncomfortably in her seat.

"Hey, you sir. Bartender, bring me another round; and make sure it's the good stuff this time... or I will come across that countertop there and kick your little ass," the female Sannin screamed from across the room while raising her fist into the air to emphasis her point.

'... oh yeah... because she's a freaking badass.'

"Now, Sakura...," Tsunade said; her speech was slightly slurred as she turned her attention to the small girl. "Pay attention, this is all part of your training."

"It is...," Sakura asked as she nervously scanned the room; her body stiffening when she noticed the many heads that were turned their way. She really, really shouldn't be here; but when lady Tsunade insist on something... it's hard to say no.

She can be pretty scary sometimes—


"Hey little lady...," a burly looking man hissed as he approached their table; beer bottle in one hand while he tried to steady himself on the back of a nearby chair with the other. "How would you like to come back home with me tonight."

Tsunade took a sip of her own beverage before tossing a disgruntled look at the male. "Get out of here you sick bastard. She's only fourteen."

The man quickly scurried back to his little corner at the bar and Sakura watched anxiously as her master shifted a few playing cards in her hand; her bottom lip being sucked between her teeth. A light hue of pink brightened the woman's cheeks significantly; an indication to Sakura that she had already had way too much to drink.

"Tsunade-sama, don't you think it's time to..."

"Not now, Sakura. Pay attention. You might need to know how to play someday." Sakura rolled her eyes but conceited; reluctantly taking the small stack of cards from her mentor's outstretched hand.

Her green eyes shifted; her gaze slowly scanning before she placed her fingertips against the top of a single card... ready to throw it down when it was her turn to play.

She didn't stand a chance; she lost... miserably.


Two hours later, and several drinks in, Sakura felt her flesh begin to tingle with an anxiety energy as several men began to surround their table; though her Shishou seemed completely unfazed as she looked at them with mild interest.

"Look here woman, I'm not going to tolerate you talking to my friends that way... no matter how pretty you are."

Tsunade scoffed; her thin fingers tracing the rim of her glass lazily. "I was only speaking facts. He acted like a pig, so I called him out on it. No need to get so upset, boys."

The men clenched their fists tight at their sides; anger and malice clear in their features as they seemed to be trying to hold themselves back. "I don't condone hitting a woman, but lady... I'm about to break that rule; just for you."

"Try it... and see what happens."

Sakura wasn't sure what happened; one second, she was sitting idly by, while her master argued with a couple brawny men, and the next she was being pushed to the side as the blonde-haired Sannin fought their attackers.

One by one they began to fall as the slug queen easily took them out; with both her strong fist and fighting spirit.

When it was all over; Sakura was left standing there with her mouth hanging open... eyes wide. She was brought back when Tsunade placed a gentle, calming hand upon the top of her head.

Sakura looked up at the smiling woman as blood dripped down from her lip; in awe of her strength and strong will. "Come Sakura, let's go."

Without a word of protest; she quickly followed.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now