My Personal Trainer

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Sakura and her person trainer Sasuke are getting extra friendly lately; maybe a little too friendly.

A sasusaku au snippet.

A little 18+ for language and slightly sexual context.


Sweat was pooling at the corners of his temples; and the man was trying desperately to even out his frantic breathing. Trying to calm his own body from all of the overstimulation that it was now receiving from this session with his newest client.

Sakura. Fucking. Haruno.

'Focus Uchiha. You can do this. You're more than your hormones, damn it! Just... fucking... focus!'

Sasuke took a deep breath and stepped closer.

He then wrapped his hands around Sakura's hips to move her into the correct position; trying his absolute hardest to ignore the way that it made his own body feel at having the stunning female's ass cheeks pressing so firmly against his groin.

'It would be so easy to bend her over like this and use my... ugh; focus!'

The male clenched his teeth tightly as he brought one of his large hands up her side, a little slower than what would be deemed as appropriate, so that he could wrap it around her wrist. "Move this one here," he practically growled, while he pulled it a little closer towards her petite chest. "And the other one," he breathed; moving his other hand to wrap around the opposite wrist "It needs to be right here."

After moving her arms into position, he moved his hands back to her hips and twisted her slightly; adjusting her stance just a little, so that she was now ready. Sasuke was finally able to take a step back, and a much-needed deep breath, while he gazed at her posture.

'Damn, I want to—'

"So, like this," she asked curiously; face set into a determined scowl as she shifted slightly on her feet. The pinkette was left seemingly (though he knew better) oblivious to her trainer's torturous, inner terminal.

'There is no way that she can't feel it. I mean it's right fucking there! Ha, so much for trying to stay calm and focused...'

"Hai. Just like that." He then moved until he was standing in front of her, assuming the exact same fighting stance as she; his throat bobbing slightly when he swallowed; hard. "Now, Sakura... fight me."

The pinkette's viridescent eyes flashed playfully, and Sasuke watched as every muscle in her body began to tense; the woman was readying herself for the fight ahead.

"With pleasure," the young woman spoke with a slightly seductive undertone; one that caused his body to thrum excitedly.

He had a feeling that he knew exactly where this fight would end up; but decided to wait and see when he noticed that Sakura's body had already begun to move.

Yes, the physical fight had started, but the real question wasn't who would be the victor; it was who would win their mental war; him or her?

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now