🔞Sakura's Excitement🔞

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(Sasusaku blank period; it's Sakura's turn to get a little to...'excited' lol)


His touch was so gentle...

His thin lips so soft as they grazed against her smooth, pale flesh.

"S-Sasuke-kun...," she breathily whispered his name as her thin fingers tangled themselves gently within the thick mass of black hair that sat atop her lover's head. He hummed his approval against her skin as he trailed small, light kisses along the expanse of her throat before pressing his lips firmly against her bare shoulder; the place where he had gently pushed her shirt away with the tip of his nose only moments ago.

Sasuke's lone hand traveled south from where it once rested upon the opposite side of her neck from his lips and he slowly trailed the rough pads of his fingertips down the curve of her back before his palm came to rest upon the upper curve of her backside.

The warm heat within her core was intense and growing stronger by the second...

...and as he pressed his larger form against hers; she felt his hips brush hers firmly....

...his thick hardness aligned itself perfectly to press roughly against the slick folds of her...

"Oh fuck... ahh," she groaned just as her body betrayed her; giving in to the mounting pressure within her tight core. Sakura felt her inner walls clench as they fought to grasp onto something but came up empty. The fire within soon flowed freely as her liquid desires seeped slowly onto the clothing that shielded her womanhood from the outside world; she was panting harshly as she pressed her blushing cheeks against Sasuke's large shoulder; trying to hide her humiliation from his wandering gaze. She felt it when his body froze; his muscles going tense for a brief second and her small hands grasped his thick, hair tighter so she could continue to hold him against her; the embarrassment at what just happened finally sinking in after the warm, fuzzy feelings she had previously been experiencing, vanished...leaving the Haruno not only hot and wet, but also completely red all over.

'Damn it. Shannaro! I won't be able to live this down...but, maybe I got lucky and he didn't notice. Oh, what am I thinking of course he did; that's just wishful thinking. There is no way he didn't notice. How humiliating...'

"Sakura...," his deep voice cut through her inner monologue and she finally relented when he tried to pull back from her gently; though it was not for the first time. She let him lift his head so that he could get a better look at her but she refused to meet his intense gaze; keeping her eyes focused on the opposite side of the room instead. "Did... did you just...," the Uchiha let his words trail off as he stared down into her very flushed face; the entire surface of it was sporting the deepest shade of red he had ever seen.

"Sh-shut up...S-Sasuke-kun...," she stuttered as she tried to figure out how to get out of this embarrassing situation; though she came up short and began to pout; her lips pulling down slightly and her green eyes growing slightly duller. The dark-haired nin only chuckled kindly at her behavior before pulling her in for a gentle but passionate kiss; trying his best to reassure her in the only way that he knew how... by letting his actions rather than his words speak for him.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now