I think you drank too much, Sakura

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(Sasusaku w/ Sarada, maybe in the Boruto era. I know others have done something similar to this but I wanted to write it so...don't come at me please!)
Sakura stumbled up the small flight of steps that led to her home before unceremoniously throwing open their front door, the wooden frame shook as it slammed against the far wall effectively startling the patriarch where he currently sat at the dining table whilst reading a mission scroll. He glanced over and raised a brow at his wife as she stumbled through the open doorway before she slammed the door shut behind her. Forgoing the respectful removing of her sandals, her bright, but slightly hazy green eyes scanned her surroundings before they settled on her husband. A small smirk made its way to her lipstick-stained mouth as she wobbled her way over to him. He assumed she was attempting a seductive waltz but due to her drunken state she was failing miserably which in turn made his lips twitch at the corners as he fought the urge to chuckle.

When she finally made it over to him, she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck before swinging herself over to the side causing him to reach out swiftly with his lone arm to grasp her around the waist so she wouldn't fall to the floor. Sakura giggled gleefully as she wiggled her way onto his lap before she leaned back to smile at him; the sight was... adorable, although he would never speak that word aloud. "Hmm, I missed you," she whispered before biting her bottom lip and looking to the side, almost shyly. Her bright, pink hair fell to the sides where it framed her blush-stained cheeks. Sasuke's smirk grew wider as he wrapped his arm more securely around his wife's middle.

"Hn. Did you have a good time?"

"Oh yes. The girls and I went to this new modern restaurant and we..." His attention was drawn to his wife's features as she excitedly waved her hands between them, her warm smile was wide and her green irises were shining brightly. He wasn't taking anything she said in, he was only focused on the pure happiness he saw written all over her features. 'She had needed this night out with her friends. She's always working too hard.'

"Sasuke-kun...hey are you even listening to me?"


"...you didn't hear a word I said did you," she pouted, crossing her arms over her chest and sticking her bottom lip out childishly. 'She's so cute,' he thought as he removed his arm from her form to press his fingertips lightly to her seal. "That's not going to help your case you know...," she grunted, though the small smile that broke out across her face indicated she had already forgiven him, even if she wouldn't admit to it.

"Let's talk in the morning. I think you drank too much tonight, Sakura. Plus, it's late."

She grasped the back of his head quickly and jerked him forward until his thin lips met hers in a heated, impassioned lip lock. They both moaned softly as their tongues shot out to dance between them before Sakura began to place soft delicate kisses and licks down the column of his throat. Sasuke lifted his wife up suddenly and threw her over his shoulder, causing the pinkette to gasp then giggle uncontrollably. He smacked her ass playfully as he moved down the hallway that led to their bedroom.

"Shh Sakura, or Sarada will hear you."

"It wouldn't be the first time...," she teased. He silenced her with another playful smack before shutting their door behind him with his foot.
The next morning...

Sasuke was sitting at the kitchen table, a scroll in hand when Sarada came into the room, rubbing the sleep from her dark eyes before placing her glasses back on her face. She looked up and opened her mouth to greet him but paused when her eyes caught sight of something unusual.

She blinked...



Three times...

'Is that what I think it is?'

Sasuke noticed his daughter silently staring at him and turned his head so he could look at her, only to see her giving him an odd look. Sasuke raised a dark brow at her in question and it took her a second longer before she shook her head and regained control over herself. She moved to take the seat across for him; her eyes never leaving him which he found odd, though he didn't comment as he continued with his reading.



"Have...you been to the bathroom yet this morning?" What an odd question, the patriarch thought as he gazed at his daughter once more.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Uh, did you look in the mirror?"


"Well...maybe you should."
Several minutes later Sasuke was staring, wide eyed at his own reflection. How had he not noticed it before. There in plain sight, all over his neck and face were little bright, red lipstick marks where Sakura had...

'Oh shit...'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now