🔞Challenge Accepted: Part 2🔞

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(Sakura's pov of what went on during that week of the challenge...this one is severely unedited but I wanted to get it out to you guys since it's been a while since the first part, so here it is! I hope you enjoy it!)

I FOUND THE PICTURE ON GOOGLE! IT ISN'T MINE! Just wanted to put that out there...I wish I had that kind of talent lol (if you know who drew it please let me know so I can give them proper credit)
The first time Sakura noticed something unusual was going on with her boyfriend was the night he came home from his 'boys' night out' with Naruto. She could tell right away that Sasuke was slightly tipsy due to the fact that when she first opened the front door, he stumbled unceremoniously through the threshold and nearly toppled over; which he would have done if she hadn't have thrown her arms out quickly in order to catch him and help steady the Uchiha before she then slowly guided him to the living room couch where he plopped down with a low grunt. She smirked widely at his slightly dazed state and crossed her arms over her chest while she stood before his slouched frame; finding amusement in the sour expression marking his handsome features. "Did you have fun tonight, Sasuke-kun?"

"Hn. That blonde idiot was so... annoying," her boyfriend hissed irritated as he rubbed a large hand through his thick, dark hair. Sakura could only chuckle at his displeasure which earned her a dark look from the lone Uchiha.

"I'm sorry Sasuke-kun, I don't mean to laugh. It's just...well, you act like it's unheard of for Naruto to be... annoying." Her wide smile must have been contagious because the pinkette watched as his thin lips slowly pulled up at the corners; his warm, rare smile that only she was able to see ever present as he stared at her deeply. "Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you got home okay. Are you ready for bed because if so, I can help you..."

"Wait." His tone stopped her mid-sentence and she looked at him with a slightly confused expression as she waited for him to continue. He stared at her for a moment, his dark eyes shining brightly with mischief and she only had a split second to register what he was thinking before he was standing directly in front of her. Sakura gasped slightly at the unexpected movement and was about to take a step back when his arm came up to wrap securely around her thin waist; pulling her flush against his hard body. 

"Sas...," before she could finish his soft lips came crashing down onto her plump ones and she almost instantly melted into his warm embrace as their tongues came out to tangle between them in a fight for dominance. Sakura couldn't stop the soft moan from escaping past her parted lips as he leaned into her, pressing his lower half tightly against her own. She could feel his hardened manhood even through their clothing and it sent a warm shiver down her spine. "Sasu...ahh," she gasped harshly as he quickly lifted her off of her feet while simultaneously shoving the large stack of books off of the coffee table with his foot before he then dropped her unceremoniously onto the hard wooden surface. "Ugh," she grunted and glared up at him but he only stared back at her with a wide smirk; the one he knew almost always made her instantly wet for him.

"I want you," he whispered smoothly while his large hand came around to pull at the button on his pants. Sakura gulped slowly as she felt her core clench tightly; the look he was giving her was demanding but also slightly pleading and she could tell that he was serious; he definitely wanted her... and he wanted her badly.

"Sasuke...can't we go to the bedro..."

"I want you. Right here. Right now." He had finally managed to pull his thick cock free from its confinement and it hung proudly between his muscular thighs as it twitched slightly; pre-cum was leaking slowly from the swollen tip. Sakura's green irises zeroing in on it before swiftly shifting back to his. He slowly leaned down over her and pressed his lips softly against her forehead, then her nose, her cheek, her lips... before they finally came to hover just above her ear. "Please... Sakura." She felt her throat tighten slightly as her heart began to pound harder and her core... 'oh gods', her core was dripping constantly now. She felt herself nod slowly in the affirmative once before she brought her small hands up to the hem of his shirt. They then quickly discarded the rest of their clothing before Sakura laid flat on her back against the hard surface of the coffee table where she allowed her legs to fall to the sides as she opened herself up for him; her warm gaze came to rest on her lover as he moved back to her until he was hover above her once more. Sasuke moved the head of his thick cock closer to her dripping entrance and her green orbs moved downwards as they watched the sight of him pressing against her slick folds gently; the action itself caused the pinkette to shiver slightly in eager anticipation.

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