She's so Badass

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A fight between a badass vigilante and a 3,000- year-old vampire couldn't possibly end well, could it? I mean... what could go wrong?

Sasusaku au snippet.


Clang. Bang. Clash.

Pant. Huff. Pant.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Lift, then swing until—

The tip of her sword was halted by his strong grip and the metal easily bent before snapping in half as his large hand clamped down firmly onto her oversized weapon; his own smaller knife hanging loosely at his side with the other. 'Damn it! Stupid fucking vampire,' Sakura thought as she took a small step back to work out a new strategy.

Two pairs of sharp eyes locked onto each other, a mixture of both liquid fire and frigid ice, and the young woman's entire body tensed; poised and ready to either go on the attack or defend herself if it became necessary.

The centuries old vampire observed the feisty vigilante with a dark and heated expression; his thin, chapped lips twitching and then lifting.

'Damn you, bloodsucker!'

His smirk only seemed to irk her further, and she threw the useless end of her sword down before charging at him; full force, and with great speed and agility. A small battle cry erupted from her lungs as she drew her fist back, only excited him further, and the vampire's arrogance soon got the best of him. Sasuke didn't see it coming, until it was already too late.

After several blows were exchanged (from both sides) and with one final push, Sakura had finally managed to overpower him; even if it was for just a split second. That's all she needed—

Sakura's fist made contact, and it was like music to her ears when she heard the distinct sound of a loud and resounding crack.

Sasuke's jaw was completely shattered.


When the young man had walked in the door only moments ago, his mood had been sour; causing most of the other supernatural beings that were lurking in the shadows to steer clear of him. But not his best friend, who had merely followed him into the kitchen before taking a seat at one of the empty bar stools that stood directly in front of the marble countertops.

Naruto couldn't stop himself from grinning, (ear to ear) as he watched his best friend pull a bag of peas out of the freezer before placing it gently against his swollen jaw and bloodied, upper lip. He didn't have to ask questions either; for he knew exactly where the injuries had come from. It wasn't the first time (nor would it be the last) that the poor vampire would come into contact with the pink-haired woman, with a mean right hook; whom others referred to simply as the vigilante.

Naruto chuckled humorously as Sasuke came to stand before him on the opposite side of the counter; a dark expression casting some of his handsome features into shadow.

He shook his head and smiled. "Sakura is such a badass. What is that... three to zero so far. I think you need to work out a little harder Teme, if you're going to be able to beat a girl like her that is."

Sasuke Uchiha tried to glare daggers at him, but the blonde only snickered in return. "Oh, shut the hell up, you Baka."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now