Her Growth & His Amazement

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During a fight with some rogues, Sasuke Uchiha realizes that his wife doesn't really need him to protect her. No, Sakura Uchiha can do that just fine on her own now, and he couldn't be prouder.

A Sasusaku blank period snippet.

(Sorry if any of my fics sound the same; it's hard to remember sometimes what I have and haven't written. It just happens sometimes with having a horrible memory. Also, I got this idea from some art that I saw on my Twitter feed.)

Photo credit goes to the creator; I found it on google so I'm not sure who it was. I apologize and if it's an issue I will gladly change it!


The horrendous, awful, and pain-filled screams of anguish that were coming from a very familiar pink-haired kunoichi caused Sasuke's head to swivel swiftly in her direction. Though, he wished he hadn't when he was met with the most horrific scene that he had ever laid his eyes on; at least since his family's death that is. It was shocking and utterly horrifying for the young husband to witness and had him seeing red.

'No... no... NO!!! Sakura!'

Sakura was holding onto the blood-covered and cleanly cut stump that was the remainder of her right arm. It had been completely severed at the elbow and her blood had already started to drop and pool in thick puddles at her feet while a very faint trail began to drip down from her bottom lip where she was biting at it so harshly.

The clear evidence of her suffering was shining through her viridescent orbs, nearly bringing him to his knees; his heart beating a panicky rhythm behind his rib cage. Sasuke was about to bolt to her side (to try and assist her in any way that he possibly could) when he noticed it; the dark, bold lines... that ran perpendicular of each other... on either side of her face.

They were slowly descending from the triangular shaped mark that rested in the very center of his wife's forehead. He noticed that Sakura's petite chest was still heaving rapidly when she brought her red-covered digits up; fingers moving quickly in front of her irises before she then leaned down to slam her palm flat against the ground.

After a small puff of white smoke dissipated, a mini version of her slug summoning stood before her; eagerly awaiting its master's orders. Sasuke couldn't make out his wife's conversation with the slimy beast but watched in utter amazement as a bright blue light began to trickle from her open wound before an outline of an arm and then a hand began to form from its spectacular brightness.

Within a few seconds (and with a little help from her summoning, lady Katsuyu) the pinkette had somehow managed to regrow her arm and hand; completely.

Sasuke was truly amazed with his wife's healing abilities.

When the patriarch watched his wife smirk at her equally stunned foe, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of pride (that swelled up from deep within his hardened chest) for Sakura's amazing accomplishment.

He didn't know many whom could pull off such a feat as she. With one final glance (to make sure that she was truly alright on her own), he turned his gaze forward; zeroing in on his own opponent as the man charged at him once again. He didn't have to worry much anymore about his wife; she was strong and could definitely take care of herself should the need to do so present itself.

Sasuke decided that he would just have to show her just how much he appreciated and supported her continual growth later; once they had some actual alone time together. Maybe in the privacy of a comfy room at one of the local inns or under the stars in the middle of the surrounding forest.

Either would work for him because he could care less on the location, he wasn't too picky; and with that thought in mind, jet-black slowly faded into an even deeper shade of red.

The next sound that could be heard was a loud and piercing wail from his enemy; right before the man's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell into an unconscious heap onto the ground.

Sasuke's darkened orbs turning towards the two people who were currently fighting next to him (one of them being his feisty wife) and he slowly made his way towards them; ready to end this.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now