❄️ Snowball Fight ❄️

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(Sasusaku blank period fluff)
White powdery flakes were beginning to consume most of their vision...

The once pleasant temperatures had suddenly dropped drastically leaving a cool nip in the air...

Cheeks and noses reddened while skin cooled...

Sakura has noticed some time ago that Sasuke's mood had grown sour; ever since the first signs of snowfall began and it had only progressively gotten worse as time went on. Nearly 3 hours into their hike across the vast forests of Konoha and probably about 2 inches of snow later, she realized that there didn't seem to be an end (to this bizarre weather) in sight as the white fluffy flakes continuously fell from the grey, cloudy sky. The pinkette was walking several paces behind her dark-haired companion and watched silently as he once again glanced up at the sky; a look of pure disgust was written across his handsome features and the sight nearly made her chuckle; although, she covered the sound easily with a well-placed glove-clad palm over her mouth. Sakura suddenly got what she thought was a brilliant idea at the time and without thinking too much on it she bent down at the waist slowly before grasping a large handful of the white substance covering the ground beneath her boots. She placed it between her small hands to form a perfectly rounded ball before...


Sasuke suddenly stopped mid-step before whipping around to face Sakura so fast that she thought he might possibly get whiplash from the sudden movement. His face was still sour but the sight of snow falling from his dark hair where her snowball had hit its intended target caused her to buckled over at the waist slightly and she was giggled loudly as she laughed at his expense for several seconds before finally gaining control over herself; placing her arms around her waist, Sakura let a wide grin spread across her chilled cheeks as she gazed into his dark orbs. "What was that for," Sasuke hissed, though she knew by the look in his eyes...that he was anything but angry; even if his face still held a deeply set scowl.

"You need to lighten up a little Sasuke-kun. The snow isn't that bad," Sakura scolded the Uchiha playfully before stepping around said male; all the while feeling his heated gaze on her back as she left a safe amount of space between them before taking several strides forward to give a good amount of distance in case he decided to retaliate. She felt him follow shortly after, although he seemed to be keeping the initial distance, she set between them and after a while she began to hum happily as the snow finally seemed to be letting up; maybe that would help lighten his dark mood. "Looks like it's..."


Sakura felt an icy chill run down her spine as the large clump of snow smacked her square across the back of her neck. The pinkette's mouth hung wide open as she quickly turned fully around to face her partner; only to find a stoic-looking Sasuke observing her reaction curiously. She saw the playful twinkle in his dark eyes however and had to hold back a smile of her own as she pretended to be angry with him by placing her small hands on her shapely hips and narrowed her bright green eyes at him dangerously. "Did you just throw a snowball at me...Sasuke-kun?"

"I'm innocent until proven guilty, Sakura." The wide smirk that spread across his lips for a split second gave him away however and she couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Innocent my ass," she huffed quietly under her breath even though she knew he heard her when she saw his lips twitch at the corners as Sasuke fought a smile. "Fine then...," she leaned down as she kept her gaze focused on his and grabbed another pile of snow before she slowly began to form its rounded shape between her palms. "If you want to play it that wa..."


"Ugh... Sasuke-kun!" Another snowball hit her square in the middle of her forehead and when she heard the deep chuckle coming from the dark-haired male; she decided that payback was in order. "I'm going to get you for that! Shannaro!!!"

"Hn. I'd like to see you try." As a small snowball fight ensued between the two shinobi, Sasuke thought to himself that maybe snow wasn't as bad as he initially thought it to be.

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