A Cyborg Named Sasuke - Part 1

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Scientist Sakura Haruno has finally done it. She is the first human in history to build a real-life cyborg... completely from scratch!

She decides to name him... Sasuke.

(Sasusaku au snippet.)


She tilted her head; first to the right and then to the left, before circling around him once again. Her curious gaze scanning him from head to toe.

'Something is missing,' the scientist pondered; face wrinkling in thought. 'But what could it be?'

Sakura couldn't decipher what it was that she had missed and decided that it was time for her to call in some reinforcements—

It was time to call upon her mentor... once again.


"He's amazing, Sakura! So... lifelike. How did you do it," her best friend exclaimed excitedly; hands clutched in front of her as she eyed the specimen with unmasked curiosity and awe.

The woman in question blushed, before tucking a loose strand of pink hair (that had fallen from her ponytail) behind her ears. A wooden clipboard was clutched tightly to her petite chest; causing unnecessary wrinkles to form across her white lab coat, but she didn't mind.

"Well, he's not quite finished, yet. There are still a few bugs that I need to work out and also a few minor things to be tweaked, but overall... I think that I'm pretty happy with the progress; thus far."

"As you should be!" Ino's exuberant enthusiasm was contagious, and Sakura felt her lips pull up at the corners. "We have to go out and celebrate, girl! It's been so, so long since you have left this stuffy office of yours."

Sakura chuckled lightheartedly and allowed Ino to drag her away from her work... but only for a little while. Because there was much, much more that needed to be done. But Sakura had to admit that she did need a break; no matter how short it may be.


Two more weeks has passed and she was feeling frustrated.

'Why isn't it working? What am I doing wrong?'

Sakura glanced at her charts again, but all of the  words beginning to jumble together as her lack of sleep began to blur her overly stimulated eyes.

She rubbed at them several times and was about to get back to her reading when a steaming mug was placed before her. She glanced up to see the kindly face of her older mentor; lady Tsunade.


"Take a walk with me, Sakura. I want to show you something." The pinkette didn't question her and simple nodded her head before grabbing the hot beverage and following the older woman. After a few minutes, they stopped and took a seat on a wooden bench that sat beneath a large weeping willow.

"So, tell me... what seems to be the trouble."

Sakura's small hands clasped onto her aromatic drink tightly and she bit at her plump, bottom lip for a second; trying to gather thoughts. Her gaze shifted upwards—



Sakura Haruno was smiling from ear to ear; her heart hammering rhythmically in her chest as she watched lady Tsunade circling her months long project.

The tall, robotic human (also better known as a cyborg) was observing his new surroundings with a curious gaze before his jet-black eyes landed on his creator; waiting for further instructions.

Tsunade nodded her head in approval while placing one hand on her chin. "So, what can he do?"

"Oh," the young woman chimed enthusiastically as she stepped forward; black eyes following her every move. "I guess pretty much anything you ask of him; or rather me. I have him programmed to follow only my commands, but I guess that he could always be reprogrammed to follow others if needed. I can show you what I mean, if you like."

"I see. Well Sakura, I think that you may have just stumbled across something with this one. A very good job indeed. I'm proud of you."

Tsunade gave Sakura a gentle smile which was readily reciprocated. "Thank you, ma'am. That really means the world to me."

"So, what have you decided to name him?"

Sakura's smile only grew wider, as both she and Tsunade turned in sync to look at the dark-haired cyborg; whom hadn't taken his own eyes off of the pinkette, in quite some time.

"Sasuke. His name will be, Sasuke."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now