Foolish Wife: Part 2

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His wife can be utterly foolish, he thinks as he holds her in a tight embrace. (Told from Sakura's pov.)

A sasusaku snippet based around the Boruto era. (I had a dream about this one. It's a random thought and probably not canon, but I had to get it out.)


"It's a barrier. To keep you two safe."


"Don't let them out, no matter what happens."

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'm sorry."

Then, she was gone.

'I'm sorry, Anata. I'm sorry, Naruto. I'm so, so sorry—'

The sounds of a monitor roused her from her slumber and the young woman took a moment to gather her bearings before opening her eyes. The putrid scent of sterilization hit her above all else, indicating that she was indeed in the hospital, just as she had suspected.

'Wait, what happened? I remember being in my office, and then Naruto and Sasuke came in and... and then—'

The fight. Unimaginable pain. Then a terror-filled scream. Someone was screaming for her. Calling her name.


A sharp inhale of breath was heard and she tried to sit up quickly but was forced back down by a strong hand on her shoulder. When she turned, her eyes met the dark gaze of her husband's. "You're awake, Tsuma," he whispered. She could detect a hint of relief in his tone, but could sense the tension in his body all the same. Sasuke was furious and she knew why. He had every right to be. She swallowed as the anxious feeling in the pit of her stomach only grew in its intensity.

"A-Anata, I—"

"Really," the patriarch growled and Sakura finally broke eye contact with him to gaze at the ground in shame. "A barrier, Sakura?"

"I-it was..."

"A fucking barrier," he hissed, while his hand balled into a fist at his side. "Do you know what I was going through? Do you know how I would have felt if you had... if you'd..."

She knew she probably shouldn't but she reached for him, and his gaze was as hard as stone when he looked at her again; but he didn't pull away from her, much to her relief. The joy at realizing she was alive was long gone, and his anger was now clearly on the surface. Sakura had to tread carefully in order to keep him calm. "I'm sorry. I had a plan and I knew that you and Naruto wouldn't let me do it on my own. So, I acted rashly and for that, I am truly sorry."

Sasuke scrubbed his hand down his face before taking the seat beside her; a soft sigh escaping his lips as he closed his eyes briefly. "What in the hell happened out there," he finally asked, his hand tentatively reaching for hers before he intertwined their fingers. She took that as a good sign. Sasuke may be angry at her for her actions but she had no doubt that he still loved her and his strong emotions now were only brought on because of that fact.



After leaving a perturbed Sasuke and Naruto behind, the medic took to the rooftops, leaping from one to the other until she had zeroed in on her target. A large male stood in the center of their village with a wild, evil look in his eyes. Sakura wasn't quite sure what his name was, but she had little doubt that he was a powerful adversary and she used extreme caution while approaching him.

Seconds after he had spotted her, he attacked and a hard battle ensued.

One thing led to another and she found herself forced into using her hundred healings. As the black marks began to race down the length of her body, Sakura felt a renewed strength re-energize her entire being and took off at the man like a rocket; arm swung back and ready to meet him head-on.

When they clashed, blinding heat radiated from the center of her chest before blooming outwards; unimaginable pain followed shortly thereafter, before she saw the light in her opponent's eyes fade and then her own vision went black.

—end of flashback—

"... and that's all I remember, Anata," she said as a finale while her hand squeezed his gently as her thumb brushed soothingly against his rough knuckles. He gazed at her for a long moment before responding.

"I see," Sasuke said on an exhale, his gaze not as dark but still equally as intense as it had been prior. "I still don't see how Naruto and I would have changed your plan, Sakura."

She tsked once and rolled her eyes. "You wouldn't have let me use my seal, now would you?"

"No, not when the repercussions are so negative, Sakura." She nodded and then leaned forward, bringing their hands to her mouth to plant a soft kiss to the back of his. His lips twitched slightly at the contact.

"I'm sorry to have worried you so much, Anata. That was not my intention." He sighed.

"I know. Just... don't do it again. Alright."

She gave him a tired smile as he leaned down to press his forehead against hers. "I can't make you any promises, but I'll do my best."

"That's all that I ask."

A pregnant pause passed between them before her eyes slowly closed. Then, she whispered, "I love you, Anata."

Another long pause and then—

"I love you too, Tsuma."


THIS WILL BE THE LAST INSTALLMENT FOR THIS FICTION (I've actually run out of space!!!) SO I'M STARTING A NEW FIC FOR MORE OF MY SNIPPETS! Be on the lookout. It's going to be called My Snippets: Part 2!

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now