🔞Self-Loving During Redemption 🔞

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                  (Sasuke during blank period)
Small beads of sweat were slowly dripped down the expanse of his forehead and the back of his neck. His hot breath was coming out in harsh pants and the young man knew that if he looked down, he would see the telling outline of his hardened cock because he had felt it as it rose steadily in the confines of his dark loose-fitting pants; his mind began to wander, though it wasn't for the first time since he had set out a year ago to atone for his past sins. Sasuke swallowed thickly while shutting his dark eyes before his lone hand reached upwards to run down the front of his damp face. He sighed once in frustration before leaning his head and back against the large tree behind him, placing his arm on the knee that was drawn up slightly while he left the other leg to stretch out before him. It was that damn dream again that had disrupted his sleep. 'It always feels so fucking real... shit.'

A head of pink hair splayed out under the woman he loves...

Her small frame writhing on the forest floor...

His touches...his fingers and lips working her to an explosive end before he...

"Damn it," he hissed. If he closed his mismatched eyes now, he could still picture her sweet face, twisted in pleasure beneath him and if he concentrated hard enough, he could have sworn he could still feel her womanly heat wrapped tightly around his throbbing cock. He sighed in frustration, wishing away the wayward thoughts, but his body just wouldn't settle tonight and so, he knew that he would have to take care of it if he wanted to get any more rest before the  morning sun appeared. Minutes passed as he fought with himself before he finally gave in to his baser needs. Sasuke growled lowly as his large hand tentatively reached for the zipper on his pants before he grew impatient and pulling the metal contraption down swiftly, reaching for his thick member to pull it free from its loose  confinement. The nights cool air made him shiver  when it hit his hot member but he ignored it in favor of grasping his thick cock firmly, his hand instinctively began to furiously pump it up and down. The dry friction was slightly painful but he to ignored that as he felt his lower spine begin to tingle. With his head thrown back and his dark eyes shut he concentrated on the dream... bringing himself quickly closer to the end that he was so desperately wishing to reach.

Sakura's soft skin...

Sakura's warm smile...

Sakura's bright green eyes and soft pink hair...

Sakura's curvaceous body...

Sakura's strength...




That's all it took before he felt his balls tighten and he let his hips thrust up once more before he spilt himself across the forest floor. His groan afterwards was low as he gritted his teeth together and her name slipping off his tongue in a quiet whisper as he slowly came down from his high. He always felt dirty after a release as the experience was still so new to him; he felt he was soiling her somehow and even though Sakura had no clue what he was doing, he felt slightly ashamed for his actions...but even so, in the end, did he regret doing it? Absolutely not.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now