The Delivery Boy

115 7 0

(Sasusaku au)


I'm writing a description with this one lol

Sakura Haruno orders from the same restaurant almost every single night; just so she can see their new delivery boy, Sasuke. His offered tip for his services, almost every time, is her body which he readily accepts...




On one occasion however he declines; asking for her number instead and calls almost as soon as he leaves to 'ask' her out on a date.

Which she eagerly looks forward to.


Sakura felt her lacy panties dampen in the center as she waited impatiently for her guest to arrive. Feeling slightly anxious, the young woman began to tap her fingertips on her knees while she sat, perched, on the plush cushions of her couch; her bright green gaze was focused intensely on the front door.




When she heard her doorbell finally ring, Sakura practically threw herself off of the lavish furniture to swiftly make her way towards the only barrier that stood between her and her eagerly awaited visitor.

Sakura paused for only a second; long enough to brush away a few wrinkles on her shirt and tuck a few loose strands of her pink hair behind her ears, before she pulled the door open as leisurely as possible; though, it was highly difficult for her to do so in her current state of excitement and... arousal.

She took in a sharp, deep breath at the sight of him; at the sight of her delivery boy. Sasuke stood on the opposite side of the threshold with a single hand in one of his pockets while he held the bag of food out to her with his other one. The male's normal appearance was one of complete boredom, but Sakura knew that his dismissive approach was just for show; in case her neighbor were watching them. She knew that he was just as hungry for her as she was for him; the dark glint in his onyx-colored orbs as he eyed her up and down slowly was more than enough to affirm these thoughts.

Giving him a wicked smirk, the pinkette grabbed his thick wrist tightly before she pulled him into her apartment; slamming the wooden door shut firmly behind them and then locking it for good measure. As soon as Sakura turned around, he had her back pressed against the wood and his thin lips roughly pressed against her own while he pushed his body against hers; pinned her to the door with his muscular frame. Sakura took in a sharp breath when she felt his arms move to lift her up by the backs of her knees. Her legs and arms automatically went around his muscular torso and neck so that she could help him hold her weight up as he pressed her further against the door; if that was even possible. His hands moved to cup her cheeks as he held her to him.

Sasuke released her plump lips by just a fraction; leaving only enough space to give her a chance to take a much-needed breath before his tongue was plunging itself into her opened mouth. The male explored her then with his wet muscle and allowed it a chance to tangle with Sakura's. As soon as the woman felt his hardened member press against the damp folds of her dripping sex; she shuddered and moaned softly into her lover's mouth. 'There are too many clothes...'

"S-Sakura...," Sasuke panted harshly; calling out to her as he softly whispered her name against her very swollen lips. The female had to put a considerable about of effort into opening her green eyes, that were now darkened with lust, so that she could meet his strong gaze head on. Her grip on his muscular body tightened as she tried to think past the lusty haze that currently fogged her brain.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now