Into the Dark

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(After accepting a stupid bet while drunk, Sakura finds herself lost and she thought she was alone. That is until she meets a mysterious man in the darkness... a Sasusaku au snippet.)


The substantial, stygian labyrinth was extensive; and Sakura had easily found herself lost in the cavernous, pitch-black tunnels while she tried to navigate her way back out and onto the surface of the roads above her. As the pinkette continued to moved forward, she began to feel a powerful chill run down the full length of her spine. A very strong sense of dread fills her already frantically beating muscle, and she forced herself to keep pressing forward; though something in the back of her mind (a primal knowledge, perhaps) was telling her that it was already too late...

... and just like a fly in a spider's web... she was already trapped.

Being stalked...

... being tracked...

... being watched...

... but by what or who... she didn't really know.

'Why in the hell did I agree to go down here in the first place...'

Sakura was contemplated this thought when she suddenly stumbled over her own two feet. She screeched loudly, the sound bouncing around her as it echoed up and down the extensive corridor, when she began to fall.

The woman somehow managed to catch herself however (before she had tumbled to the ground) by extending her small hands outwards and then pressing them against the damp, concrete wall to her right.

It was rather ungraceful and uncoordinated but it was nonetheless effective in its intended purpose which Sakura was grateful for because it could have been a very nasty fall.

She was safe... for now.

She chuckled dryly as she righted herself, and after whipping her hands on her skirt, she began to move forward... stumbling once again in her drunken state while trying to find her way out.

'... oh yeah, it's because I'm fucking drunk.'

The sounds of large, heavy footsteps behind her reached her ears and it gave her pause. When she stopped to listen... the noise only seemed to grow louder; as seconds turned into minutes. The pinkette's breathing increased and her heart rate accelerated when she realized that the thing attached to those noises was heading her way; it was at an all-time high by this point...

... and the only thing that Sakura could think of to do in that moment... was to make a run for it—

Instinct was telling Sakura that she was being stalked, being hunted; but by what... she hadn't the slightest clue.

She took several twists and turns; attempting to shake off the strange... creature... that followed her, but she ended up finding herself at a dead end instead.

'Fuck me! Damn it!'

Sakura turned to try and make a run for it in the opposite direction, but was stopped dead in her tracks when a large and imposing shadow stood between her and her only means of escape.

She was definitely hyperventilating at this point; as she watched with growing dread as the thing made its way closer.


... and closer still...

... until—

Sakura gasped loudly as her jaw slackened; one hand flying up to grasp onto the soft fabric of her shirt... right above her heart.

Her viridescent orbs widened a fraction and her jaw continued its decent as it practically dropped to the dirt floor beneath her sandal-clad feet.

Sakura Haruno found herself staring directly into the darkest, deepest eyes that she had ever seen; and they belonged to the most handsome man that she had ever laid her eyes on.

'He's... he's absolutely... beautiful.'

As if he could hear her thoughts, she watched his thin lips slowly pull up before settling into a sharp and wicked smirk. The "creature" took another large step towards her and he was now only a few feet away.

She grew nervous and swallowed harshly before gaining enough courage to finally speak.

"W-what is your name, and w-who are you?" She absolutely hated how shaky and weak her voice sounded, even to hear own ears, but she couldn't help it. Every fiber in her being was telling her that she should be afraid of this male...

... that she was somehow his prey; but as Sakura continued to stare into the darkness of his eyes, she began to feel her fear slowly slipping away...

... pulling forth a new emotion that left her feeling weak at the knees and hot all over. She began to pant for breath; and was unable to find the will-power to break their heated stare... though she desperately wished that she could. Sakura's entire body began to shake; but it wasn't due to fear... not anymore.

The male's right arm lifted between them and his long, slender digits stretching out towards her to brush against the soft skin of her cheek. Sakura couldn't help but shiver as he leaned in closer; his gaze holding hers as its hostage.

'He's... shit... he's so... cold.'

He hadn't spoken once; the male just continued to stare into her eyes; as if he was contemplating what he should do next. She swallowed slowly this time, watching him silently as his dark eyes followed the unhurried movement, before settling on the space between her neck and shoulders.

Sakura noticed that they had darken (if that was even possible) and her pulse quickened when he moved again; until he was just inches away from her this time. His cool breath fanning against her heated skin; and a large splay of goosebumps began to break out across her now chilled flesh.

'Holy shit... what is he doing to me? Why can't I seem to—'

"W-who in the hell are you?"

Again... no response came. He only continued to stare.

A strange sensation hit her, hard, and she felt as if she was going into some sort of daze. The last things Sakura remember after that moment was the man's eyes fading from jet-black and into a blood red; then sharp, pointy teeth protruding from his slightly parted lips.

That's when total darkness consumed her vision and everything turned to black—

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now