🔞She Saved Me; I Will Save Her🔞

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🔞! Contains Mature Content!🔞



(Sasusaku au. Can Sasuke save her before it's too late?)

Suicidal thoughts WILL be discussed in this fic which is why I'm labeling it as 18+ content; so, if this is a trigger for you OR not something that you like to read about, then please, DO NOT READ THIS ONE! You have been warned now in advance. My somewhat depressed mood is the reason I wrote this... though I myself do not feel suicidal. I apologize if it offends anyone because that is not my intention and I am not making fun of this matter with this snippet! Suicide is a very real thing and if you suffer with thoughts like this, please find someone to talk to and know that you and your life are worth living for; always! Your life does matter and you are never alone!

This snippet is supposed to be an attempt to show what actual bullying can do to people and how you can help others by being there for them and understanding that it just takes a single moment to change someone's life for the better OR worse. I hope this makes sense; I'm not always good with my words.

I want to say thank you to every single one of you for your continued support of me and my writing. It means the world to me; truly. ❤️


'Forehead girl.'





Those are just some of the very real... very cruel and heartless... things that Sakura Haruno has been told for nearly 17 years, and she has finally had enough of the vicious mockery; the constant bullying. Full of feelings of complete defeat and utter dejection... Sakura drove herself down a dark and winding road late one night; until she came across a small bridge; it was there when she finally decided to stop. Her mind made up—

Placing her car in park, Sakura decided to leave the engine running; which allowed the headlights to point forwards so that she could see where she was going and she stepped out of the car's comforting warmth and into the chilly fall air. She slipped her jacket from her shoulders and placed it haphazardly in the front seat before grabbing her phone and sending her best friend one final text message. It was only two simple words that held significant meaning; it said... "I'm sorry." Her body moved forward, almost on autopilot, as her mind was now completely numb to all feeling; all the while, Sakura drew closer and closer to the edge of the 200-foot drop.

When she reached it, she leaned over the side and placed her hands on the cold metal railing; peering over the side to the dark water below that looked almost tranquil and... welcoming. She climbed to the top and just stood there for a moment; head tilted upwards as her dulled, darkened gaze narrowed at the twinkling stars above... contempt growing in her heart.

'How it would be nice to be a star; all so alike to one another; nothing unique about them.... unlike my own reality.'

With her mind still made up, she felt that she was finally ready to make the leap... Sakura Haruno was prepared to die and as she readied herself for the long free fall that would surely lead to her demise.... she heard a deep voice calling out to her frantically; worry and anxiety clearly seeping into the male's rough tone as he called her name. She knew that voice, but couldn't bear to turn to the speaker. It would break her resolve; break her focus, but even still, hearing him calling out to her so urgently made her pause...

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now