🐺 I Choose You: Part 3 🐺

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(Werewolf sasusaku au: Part 3)


Sasuke had to, quite literally, drag his mate back to their bedroom, with Sakura loudly kicking and screaming the entire way there; causing a huge scene as she did so. But the alpha wolf ignored all of her frantic and angry protesting; in favor of getting them there quickly. He also tried to ignore the strange though curious glances that followed after them from the other pack members that they had somehow managed to pass along the way.

Sasuke was counting (in his head) when the she-wolf's next blow up would be; as if like clockwork, after he got to the number 3, she–

Small hands slammed onto his mid-back sharply; both anger and arousal were coming off of her in strong waves... hitting his senses like a punch to the gut. His female growled angrily at him before voicing her protest aloud; her voice growing more and more shrill as the words spilled from her lips.

"SASUKE! YOU GIGANTIC OAF! Argh! I said stop this crazy nonsense! Put! Me! Down! Right... ugh, NOW!"




Still, Sasuke continued onward. "Grrr! Let me go, you big jerk!!!"

And again—




"Ugh! Damn you; stupid barbaric male!"

The young alpha-to-be could only rolled his onyx-colored orbs at his mate's hysterics and shifted her slightly in his grasp; but never broke stride as he made his way up the large flight of stairs that stood between him and his chambers. Any wolf, who happened to be in his path, quickly scurried away when they received a glare as a response to their unspoken inquiries.

"Help me! Somebody, help! Anybody! Please!"

But of course...

... no one did.

Nobody was dumb enough to interfere with their alpha and his mate; especially on the first night that they would be spending together as a newly mated pair.

It would be suicidal.

Even though the feisty female had fully submitted to him during their fight... Sakura was still a wild and untamed wolf at heart. So, it was only natural that at first, the she-wolf had flat out refused to change her plans for the evening, in order to please him. She wanted to go out with her friends and have dinner and share a few drinks together (even though she had lied and told him that they have had it all planned out for weeks); mostly to irk her mate and to test his patience... which had turned out to be a huge mistake. He was hungry himself... but for something a little different than simple ramen or even rice balls.

"I said... to put me down, you conceited asshole!"
When words failed to gain his attention, Sakura had another thought in mind; for desperate times called for desperate measures.

The female somehow managed to maneuver her body to the side; giving her access to his jugular and she bit the soft spot on his neck, hard. It was enough to draw blood and in retaliation her mate smacked her ass; forcefully. The low, deep growl of warning made her shiver with want. It wasn't in her nature to give up though... not yet at least, and so, the she-wolf continued her onslaught.

She was biting, punch, and kicking; whatever she could think of to try and remove herself from her mate's strong grasp.

But in the end, nothing worked.

It was completely futile.

She had lost; and now she had to deal with the consequences of her actions.

When they reached the bedroom, Sasuke kicked the door open harshly before slamming it closed behind them.

He then quickly turned around; giving Sakura no time to properly observe her new surrounds as he made his way to the large, king sized bed that stood in the middle of the massive room. With a severe and deep growl, Sasuke tossed his mate from his shoulder and onto the bed; where she quickly bounced back, into a crouched position... her viridescent orbs glaring daggers at him while her nostrils flared wildly. "You are such a fucking bastard, Sasuke Uchiha!"

"Do not act as if you don't like it. You know that I can smell your arousal from here, my female," the alpha hissed. His large hands reached down to pull his shirt over his head; leaving his muscular chest completely bare to her hungry gaze. He couldn't hide the smirk, that pulled his lips into a wicked grin, at the sight of her licking her plump lips. "Now get undress, or would you like for me to do it for you, love? Though, I can tell you this... your pretty little outfit won't last if I'm the one to take it off of you."

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