Maybe It's You

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Sasuke Uchiha is meeting his family for a reunion (of sorts) and is getting a little anxious about what they will say when he shows up alone... yet again.

But a chance encounter may change all of that for him. But, is it weird to invite a complete stranger to a family reunion... even if she is the prettiest woman you have ever seen?

A sasusaku AU snippet.


The sun had long since set and the moon was full and bright, high in the evening sky as the young man made his way down the dimly lit street. His coat was long and flowed down the expanse of his back while his tailored shoes crunched dried up autumn leaves on the ground; his hands resting firmly in his pockets. Before he made it to his destination however, he paused... propping his back against the side of a random building, then pulling out a small packet of cigarettes that had been stashed in the dark depths of his pocket.

Sasuke glanced to the side as an older couple passed by, heading in the direction that he had originally been walking towards, before he had to look away; his black eyes focusing on the street lights ahead instead... as they slowly switched from red to green.

His temples were throbbing, as the idea of meeting his family tonight began to give him a minor headache and he sighed before quickly shoved the remainder of his stash back where they had come from, then rummaged for the lighter that he had always carried on his person; an old gift from his late grandfather.

A small click was heard as he took in a large and deep breath. The small flame flickered in his palm, reflecting off of the small, metallic device that it came from as he opened and shut the lid (several times) before bringing it up to his lips.

He paused though... when he heard footsteps beside him and lifted his head slightly, dark eyes following the contours of a very feminine figure... until he was struck dumb and held hostage by deep pools of emerald.

"You know...," the fae-like creature began while placing a hand on her curvaceous hip. The female's voice was soft and soothing... reminding him of the times that he had spent in his mother's kitchen... watching her bake pies, cookies, and cakes when he was just a young lad while she would tell him tales of the past. The woman moved in closer and eyed him strictly. "Smoking is bad for you." Sasuke was finally broken from his trance-like state, when she blinked. He shook his head to regain his bearings.

He snorted once before straightening his spine a little, now towering over the small woman while he stashed his lighter safely away in his pockets... leaving the one cigarette dangling between his lips and teeth; still unlit. "Is that so, little lady?"

"Absolutely...," she insisted, before taking a small step closer to him, now fully in his personal space. A bright smile (radiating more warmth than even the sun itself) was presented to him from her luscious and plump lips. "I would know. I am a doctor."

Sasuke's lips twitched as he pulled the cigarette from his mouth, to hold it between his fingers. "So, you're a doctor, huh."

"Yes," she insisted before boldly reaching over to pluck the small cylinder from his hand; and surprisingly... he allowed her to do it, watching silently as she dropped it between them before crushing it under the bottom of her sneaker. When she looked up at him again her grin was even wider. "There, one down and... probably a lot more to go right."

"I have a whole entire box."

"I figured as much," the woman sighed, before shaking her head once and crossing her arms. "I apologize for my boldness... but I hate to see something happen to you if I can at least try to help prevent it. Cigarettes are really bad for you. Have you ever thought of quitting?"


"Why haven't you?"

He shrugged his shoulders and stuffed his hands in his pockets; his digits wrapping tightly around the metal object in his opened palm. "Not enough motivation." He tried not to grimace when she frowned at him... feeling as if she was about to reprimand him... like a petulant child. But, she held her tongue and simply sighed once again.

"Alright, I know I can't stop you, but I just hope that you can find a way to release your frustrations... in a much more healthy way." When his inky brows raised, she smiled. "It's kind of obvious... sorry."

"Don't be."

"Anyway, have a good evening."

As he watched her walk away, continuing on her path, Sasuke suddenly got the urge to invite her to dinner... wanting to spend more time with her and get to know this strange but intriguing woman. He took a small step towards her.

"Forgive my boldness...," Sasuke hollered, causing the pinkette to stop in her tracks and turn towards him. She tilted her head to the side curiously as he walked up to her. "But, would you like to come to dinner with me?"

"I... I don't know," she whispered, biting at her bottom lip gently while looking around them to see if they were alone.

Her sudden shyness caused him to chuckle. "So, you can walk up to a complete stranger... and destroy their property, but you are afraid to go with that stranger to a public place... so that he can get to know you a little better?" She blushed and worried her hands together before looking up at him through thick lashes.

"Would it be bold of me to agree?"

Sasuke tilted his head slightly and observed her. "Hn, I guess... maybe."

It only took her a second to respond. "Sure... I would love to." As they walked (side by side) she reached her hand between them and smiled at him once again. "I'm Sakura by the way." He reached his hand out also and grasped onto hers; taking notice of how much smaller she was than himself.

"Nice to meet you, Sakura. I'm Sasuke."


Author's Notes:

If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now