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(Sasusaku au snippet)



Swords of all shapes and sizes clashed together through the air in a tidal wave of infinite clanging and banging. The youngest warrior, the prince of Konohagakure, however, paid no attention to the sounds and bodies surrounding him as he fought desperately through a countless number of enemies; trying to gain a glimpse of his lover.

The pair had been separated almost immediately at the start of battle; much to the young Uchiha's chagrin. Sasuke was practically frantic as he searched for her familiar head of luscious pink hair and vibrant green orbs; but the only colors that he came across with his searching gaze was the grey of armor and the crimson of his enemy's blood as it stained nearly every surface in his vicinity. He was growing impatient and called out to his lady in a last attempt at finding her before he grew wild with despair and worry.


Sasuke's desperate cry rang across the field and it was then, as the last syllable of her name fell from his lips, that he finally caught a glimpse of his life partner. She was running towards him; her long, braided hair flowing behind her as it swung from side to side, her small arms pumping as she held her own sword by the hilt and her eyes were full of bright determination as she neared him.

Slice. Squelch. Thump.

Sasuke moved through body after body as he to pressed forward; once they finally reached each other, he grasped onto the back of her head with his free hand (ignoring the blood that stained his long digits) and pulled her to him. His forehead came down to rest upon hers as he used his hand to hold her firmly to him by the back of the neck; refusing to let her go. The young couples' eyes closed simultaneously and the small space between them grew hot with their harsh pants; her free hand came up between them slowly to grip the fabric of his shirt firmly in her small fist.

The two of them simply ignored the rest of the world around them and chose to hold onto each other for a long time; before Sasuke opened his dark eyes for a brief moment to look down into his lover's beautiful face. He loved everything about this female; she was his and he was hers... forever and always.

"S-Sakura...," Sasuke's eyes and throat closed tightly with the thick emotions that surrounded him; his grip on her tightened. "... stay with me."

The young Uchiha warrior completely missed his lover's gentle smile; one that enveloped Sakura's plump lips fully as she recognized his words; as she acknowledged the hidden meaning behind them; just as he had intended for her, and only her, to do.

"...always, my love."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now