🐺 I Choose You: Part 2 🐺

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(Werewolf sasusaku au)



Sasuke's inner wolf had grown agitated...

... growing more and more impatient, frustrated, and... horny... with each second that passed by.

The males were itching to get their sharp claws and canines into their feisty female and show her exactly who the real alpha in their relationship would be...

... especially when the she-wolf was purposefully sauntering as she walked ahead of him, in such a seductive and enticing way, that had the front of his pants growing tighter around his thickening, throbbing manhood. The act was bringing out his mating instincts... bringing them into a feverish frenzy of desire that needed to be satisfied... and soon.

Alphas weren't known for their patient and gentle natures; the young alpha-to-be was no exception to that rule.

He growled under his breath as he watched her laughing and carrying on with her girlfriends, as if she hadn't a worry or care in the world, as if he didn't even exist; the she-wolf seemed to be completely unaware of the angry alpha following closely behind her. He tried not to think about it looking as if he was some sort of desperate male wolf... longing for some attention from its mate; but that's just what it was... in all realities, which was so infuriating and further fueled the alpha's anger and frustrations.

He knew he was getting to the desperate stage... and Sasuke hated it.

The young alpha's fist clinched at his sides and his chiseled jaw tightened as his female's sweet and savory scent began to surround him entirely; penetrating through the thin barrier of his flaring nostrils and filling his lungs with the surrounding air that was filled with vanilla and something that was distinctly Sakura; he knew that he could get addicted to it, if he wasn't cautious.

'What in the hell does she think she's doing? We should be heading home, to OUR room by now... wasn't she told how this situation works? Wasn't she taught the ways of our pack's traditions?'

It was a normal tradition amongst all members of his pack to complete their mating bond by having intercourse with their mates while marking them at the same time; almost as soon as they marked them for the very first time to be exact. Whether they decided to do so by doing it right where they mark them in the first place (in public or private) OR if they chose to take them back to their own beds to do it there instead... well that was of little concern for most of the general population.

But apparently, his she-wolf had decided to have zero part in their pack's older traditions; much to the dark-haired wolf's displeasure... for she had practically thrown the alpha male off of her only seconds after his sharpened canines had left her smooth, sensitive flesh; making up some sort of excuse along the lines of she had to get ready for tonight, before quickly scurrying away from him. She left a very horny alpha to wallow in his own annoyance and self-pity... alone.

Sasuke was very, very displeased by this... to say the least.

When the Uchiha had finally managed to cool off somewhat, he opted to go and have a little... chat... with his female. That's when he found his mate making her way to an unknown vehicle with a couple of her girlfriends; dressed in attire that he found to be highly inappropriate for anyone, apart from himself of course, to see.

Sasuke practically stomped over towards her but that's when he noticed that she was completely ignoring his presence entirely; while his she-wolf continued to chat animatedly with her friends. He crossed his thick arms over his muscular chest and glared daggers at the back of her head and the only indication that she was even aware of him was the slight tension in her body. His dark eyes narrowed further for he knew that she knew that he was there with her; she was just simply ignoring him... which didn't sit well with the alpha male; in fact, it pissed him off.

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