🔞 Fantasies: Part 4 🔞

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(Au sasusaku; goes with the other fantasies. Finally together sasusaku share their first 'romantic' time together & it's passionate and wild. I realize this will be very fast pace but that's just how I wanted to write it for now. May change it in the future.)
It had been a week since they first bumped into each other at the gym. A full week since Sasuke fucking Uchiha asked her out to dinner and a week since they had started seeing each other.  Although, it was still unclear to Sakura if that meant they were seeing each other as merely friends, lovers or simple acquaintances but based on the looks Sasuke had been throwing her way she was definitely hopeful that he might be wanting something a little more than just simple friendship from his boss's daughter. No, she hadn't known him for long, hell they had barely spoke before a week ago, but she still felt things she hadn't ever dreamed of before when she was around him. Sasuke Uchiha made Sakura Haruno feel...alive for once in her young life and she was relishing it. She was slowly beginning to crave him as the days passed by; his slightly off-putting attitude, his sensual gazes...his hot as sin body that looked like it had been sculpted by the gods themselves...it was all so sinfully enticing and Sakura felt herself sinking willingly further and further into him.

Just the thought of him made her feminine core wet with her growing desires and she clinched her thighs together tightly as she tried to rein in some self-control... but if the look her blonde best friend was giving her right now told her anything, it would be that she was failing...miserably. Sakura sighed in relief when her phone buzzed from the depths of her purse, effectively interrupting the two females' stare off and she reached over to grab it, her gaze effectively breaking from the accusing glare coming from the blonde woman. A soft blush began to rise on her cheeks when she saw who had messaged her; it was Sasuke. She quickly opened it and a warm smile began to spread across her face as her eyes scanned the message.

Hey, beautiful. Want to meet me tonight at the apartment, I was thinking of cooking you some dinner and maybe we can just relax afterwards.

Her smile only grew as she began to text him back, her fingertips flying across the screen as she did so. Sounds amazing, I'm in. What time do you want me to be there?

He replied within seconds of her response. Say 7?

Okay. See you then!

Sakura glanced at the time on her phone and her bright, green eyes widened marginally as she finally registered that she only had about an hour to get ready for their date. Was it technically a date, she wasn't too sure but she was considering it one nonetheless since he didn't say to the contrary. She stood swiftly to her feet prior to gathering up her belongings in hast before apologizing quickly to Ino and rushing out the front door of her best friend's apartment. She only had an hour to get ready, and she couldn't... no she wouldn't be late.
Sakura wasn't exactly sure how it happened but suddenly she found herself pressed against the smooth surface of his marble countertops, flat on her back with her dress pulled up past her hips and her lacy panties now missing in action. She softly moaned as her new lover kissed a light trail of fire up her pale thighs with his soft lips until he reached the edge of her core. "Sasuke... please...I need...ah," she gasped when his tongue came out and experimentally licked a small line around her entrance; their fierce irises met and she felt as if she was going to melt into a pile of molten goo, her body heating beyond anything she had ever experienced before. As he worked her with his thick appendage, she began to grind her voluptuous hips upwards towards him, begging for more and he obliged the silent request eagerly; ready and impatient to taste her release. His tongue delved deeper, well past her slick folds and straight into her hot core causing Sakura to cry out in delight as her small hands reached down past her abdomen until they grasped his black hair tightly between her slime fingers. She tugged on the thick strands brutally causing the Uchiha to growl out in both gratification and slight agony before his tongue began to lap at her harder, his grip tight as he held her thighs wide open. When his long finger brushed her swollen bud, she nearly lost it then and there.

It was as if he had known her forever, his body playing hers like a finely tuned instrument...

The pressure inside her core was mounting...

The pleasure was building...

...and then she suddenly felt like she was flying.

"S-Sasuke!" Sakura screamed to the heavens as her body exploded, her hot core leaking her warm cum onto Sasuke's awaiting tongue. His eagerness to taste her slightly shocked the pinkette but she didn't mind for she was just as eager to taste him. But that would have to wait until next time, because Sakura was more than ready for him to take her...right here, right now. Once again sensing her needs within second she found herself standing before him, his thick cock pressing firmly against her dripping folds. Sasuke's dark eyes held her bright ones as he waiting for her permission to continue and when she nodded her head, she grasped onto his arms firmly before he swiftly seated himself within her, causing them both to moan at the somewhat harsh coupling. Savage pounding and rough handling followed shortly thereafter.

His large hands grasped her curvaceous ass cheeks as he flipped her swiftly onto her belly, her stomach pressed against the cool surface of the counter as he rutted into her like a dog in heat...

Her rounded hips pressed back firmly against his own...

Their shallow moans mixed with the sounds of their slick skin slapping together...

Closer and closer they neared until finally... euphoria hit them at last.

Their combined climax was profound and as the dark-haired male panted above her, he lightly placed his hands on either side of her petite frame, resting them against the marble top while they both frantically tried to catch their breaths. His soft lips brushed reverently against the bare flesh on her upper back and arms wherever he could reach before they pressing tenderly against her temple. "Sakura," he called gingerly, his deep voice was barely above a whisper. "Now that I've had you, I don't think I can ever let you go." His honest and sincere confession made her heart sing and she smiled softly as she closed her eyes tightly.

"Then don't," she eventually whispered back, bringing her small hands to lay on top of his much larger ones before twisting their fingers together and giving them a gentle squeeze. She turned in his arms afterwards and faced him, her green irises hiding nothing of her feelings from him as she stared into his dark orbs. She reached up to place a gentle hand on his jaw, her eyes darting slowly to his lips before she looked back up into his eyes. "Don't let me go...because I don't want to let you go either."

"Your father won't approve," he tried to weakly protest as his arms came to wrap loosely around her waist.

"I don't give a damn if he does or doesn't. I'm a grown ass woman and I'm more than capable of making my own decisions and I'm deciding to choose you, Sasuke. I want to be with you..if you'll have me that is."

It only took him a second to answer in the affirmative before he smiled softly down at her. They stood there a moment, basking in the soft feel of each other; their hearts feeling connected in a way that was totally new to them both but definitely not an unwelcome experience. They may not have known each other long but that didn't seem to bother the two young lovers because Sasuke had Sakura and Sakura had Sasuke and that was all that they needed. For now, anyway, it would be enough; they would deal with the consequences of that decision at a later date because right now they were happy and neither wanted to ruin the moment with talk of what might become of them in the future. They knew what they wanted and they were both willing to fight for it; to fight for each other...to fight for love.

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