🔞Hot & Bothered🔞

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(Sasusaku blank period)


"What's the matter Sakura," her lover whispered from where he sat across from her on the other side of the blazing inferno. His dark, heated gaze had zeroed in on her delicate, feminine features... watching and knowing; she gulped harshly as her tongue quickly darted out to wet her suddenly dry lips. Sasuke's mismatched orbs followed the movement and darkened further.

'Damn it! The way that you practically purred my name just now is what's the matter, Sasuke-kun!'

"I-it's n-nothing! I-I don't know what you're talking a-about Sasuke-kun," the pinkette squeaked and mentally cursed herself tenfold when she saw the edges of Sasuke's thin lips pull upwards into his signature smirk. The dark-haired shinobi knew exactly what he was doing to her; exactly how he was making her feel... how wet she was for him already, just by that simple look. It frustrated her greatly that he could affect her so easily; making Sakura readily willing to take him anywhere... at any time. It was pretty embarrassing to say the least, but she tried not to dwell on it too much.

Her focus was soon brought back to Sasuke as she watched him stand up slowly from his place across the fire; his smoldering, dark gaze holding hers as he reached his lone hand up to unclasp the buttons of his dark cloak. Sasuke allowed the thick material to fall gracefully to the forest floor; before his shirt, then shoes, then pants and soon after, even his underwear followed its decent to the ground; leaving the proud Uchiha completely bare to her hungry, lust-filled gaze. Sakura licked her plump lips slowly as her companion took a large step towards her; her vibrant green irises zeroing in on the long, thick... hard appendage that dangled proudly between his legs before her gaze shot back up to his, when he cleared of his throat.

"I told you what would happen if you kept looking at me like that Sakura. But you never listen to me do you, stubborn woman. So, this is...," he hissed through tightly clinched teeth before pausing to lift his large, calloused hand towards his face; his long, wet tongue sticking out as his eyes became hooded. He ever so slowly began to lick his palm and fingers before lowering his hand back down; allowing his digits to wrap themselves firmly around the base of his hardened shaft. He began to stroke himself languidly and Sakura felt her body begin to tremble; both her small palms and forehead began to sweat profusely... and it had absolutely nothing to do with the raging fire that was burning brightly in front of her; it had everything to do with him. "This... is what you do to me, Sakura." Sasuke took another large step forward and she swallowed passed her anxious energy as her eyes widening slightly; he was now just mere feet away from her and she could see the glistening wetness that coated his thickened member, from his own doing; though Sakura was silently wishing that it was her saliva and not his. "What's wrong Sakura... you're looking a little hot and bothered."

"S-Sasuke-kun...," she whispered; her voice was halfway pleading as she grasped the hem of her shirt in her small hands; her knuckles turning a bright white as she fought for some form of self- control. She was failing... miserably however as Sasuke continued to work himself lazily while his dark, hooded eyes continued to hold onto hers.

"Do you want me," Sasuke practically growled as he narrowed the space between them further.

'Breath. Remember to breath, Sakura.'

"Yes." Sasuke smirk was cocky, at best, but she was to consumed with desire and need to care. Soon, their lips and bodies crashed together in a fit of heat and passion; the dark forest that was once silent, was now filled with their deep moans of pleasure as they continued to make love... well into the early hours of the following morning.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now