Let the Battle Begin!

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(A Pokémon au snippet. Sasusaku as rivals...?)

Art credit goes to JoshuaDunlop on DeviantArt! This one is called "Dratini 2" I believe. I found it on google under the search "realistic Pokémon". If the artist has a problem with me using it than I will gladly take it down. I normally don't use other people's work so I hope it's okay that I did this time though again I will gladly take it down if not!


The woman was bold as she twisted her baseball cap slightly to the right; pulling her long ponytail with both hands tightly, while thrust her left hip forward.

She, was battle ready.

Her opponent assumed the same position, but opposite; his gaze focused on her as he turned and twisted a small sphere between his long and dexterous fingertips.

He, was also battle ready.

She reached into the large pouch attached to her side; gathering a blue and white ball within her hand before pulling it out and into the open. She gazed at the rounded object with a warmth that she felt to her very bones.

This guy had been with her for a long time, and he never let her down. She had little doubt that today would be any different.

Her dark-haired rival paused with his deliberate movements; his thin lips twisting up and into a small smirk before he tossed his own ball into the air several times. "So, I see that you brought that one with you this time. How pathetic, Haruno and so predictable."

"Of course," she replied with a smirk of her own; her body growing tense as she prepared herself. "He's never let me down yet, Uchiha."

"I'm sure that you would like to think that was the case; but today will be different. I won't allow you win... again. I have a few new tricks up my sleeve this time around; but I think that I will be saving those... little pleasures... for later."

When Sasuke winks at her, she bristles; unable to keep her unfazed facade due to his foul, taunting words. She narrowed her gaze, arm slinging back before she eagerly released the creature within. A loud, long, and angry battle cry erupted from the Pokémon's opened mouth before it formed a defensive stance between Sakura and her rival.
Sasuke's smirk only seemed to grow wider as he readied himself for the upcoming battle. His ball was tossed into the air, almost leisurely; his own Pokémon bursting forth in a cloud of smoke and a swirl of red-hot flames.

"Let the battle begin."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now