🎃Haunted House Exploration 👻

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(Sasusaku take a bet from Naruto to explore a supposedly haunted house. Happy Halloween!)
Sakura clutched tightly onto Sasuke's arm, her long nails digging into the soft flesh beneath, making the young Uchiha wince slightly in pain. His free arm held up their only source of light in front of the young couple as they made their way down a long and dusty corridor. Sakura jumped when a soft clatter sounded to their right, her petite frame pressed into his much larger one and he couldn't help but to roll his dark eyes at her ridiculous reaction; his expression remained blank as he flashed the light lazily in the direction the noise came from, more so to appease her than anything else.

"What was that Sasuke-kun? Was it the ghost?"
Her worry was unnecessary he thought as he huffed in slight annoyance. He didn't believe in any of this ghost business but a bet was a bet and he wasn't one to back down from a challenge...especially when it was issued by the knuckle-headed idiot, Naruto Uzumaki.

"It was nothing Sakura. Probably just an animal moving around or something shifting from its original placement. This is an old house so it's going to make strange noises." As if to emphasize his point another loud thud sounded from directly above them. "See." Sakura shivered beside him, her body tightly coiled with tension and even though he was slightly perturbed by her he felt the ever present need to comfort her; to calm her nerves in any way he could. His rough fingertips brushed her side gently and the action drew her attention like he had hoped it would and she turned to gaze up into his dark eyes, her own green orbs were wide with fright. "Don't worry. I'm here with you Sakura, you're not alone in this. You can always count on me to keep you safe. I will always be here to protect you." His small smirk only seemed to turn her fear into anger, which pleased him greatly because if he was being honest with himself, he would much rather see any other emotion from the feisty pinkette; her fear did things to him that he wasn't sure he was ready to deal with quite yet.

She smacked his shoulder lightly and crossed her arms over her chest, huffing angrily at him. "It's not funny Sasuke-kun. This house gives me the creeps. Can't we go ahead and leave now." Sasuke shook his head in the negative.

"And loose a bet with the Dobe, no way. Besides there's nothing to be scared of...," his voice cut off as a loud slam sounded from behind them; a large wooden door shutting harshly causing his partner to squeaked and once again pressed herself tightly against his side.

Sasuke rolled his eyes again. "It's probably just the idiot playing a prank on us. Calm down."

"I can't Sasuke," she hissed; her fear turning into irritation once more as she glared daggers at him. 'If looks could kill...' He leaned down and smirked at her causing the girl's cheeks to turn a bright shade of pink due to his close proximity and harsh scrutiny.

"What happened to Sasuke-kun, hmm Sakura." He loved teasing her and enjoyed watching her hands turn into tight fist as she contemplated whether or not she wanted to throttle him. Anything, he would take anything but her fear...

"Why are you not scared?"

Sasuke shrugged. "Ghost are not real. It's all in your head."

It was Sakura's turn to roll her eyes. "How do you know? You can't tell me that Naruto, the world's biggest knuckle-headed idiot, is smart enough to pull off a prank so intricate. He's not the one slamming doors nor is he the one making all these strange noises, Sasuke-Kun...," her emphasis on his name made his lips twitch. Another thud sounded from below them, shaking the floorboards beneath their feet slightly. Sakura gulped and stepped into Sasuke's personal space until their faces were inches apart. He could hear her breath hitch as their eyes met, gazes locking and his expression softened to one of genuine concern.

"Don't worry Sakura. I told you I would protect you didn't I," he whispered as his face moved closer; their lips only inches apart now. She stared at him with widened eyes, though now it had nothing to do with fear and she nodded her head slightly; seemingly dazed by his close proximity. He smiled gently at her, "I give you my word...I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." She nodded once again and he grasped her chin between his fingers gently. "Do you believe me? I need to hear you say it Sakura."

"Yes...I believe you Sasuke-kun," her breathy whisper made him smile.

"Then," he said taking her small hand firmly in his much larger one and squeezed it reassuringly. "Let's go."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now