I'm Home

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She was on her way home, exhausted after her long shift had finally ended. Her tired limbs felt weak as she practically dragged herself back to her one bedroom apartment. She was looking forward to a long soak in the tub before turning in for the night when she felt it...the sudden change in the air caused her to pause as a familiar chakra approached her.

The strong presence at her back would intimidate most, but not her. No Sakura knew that the man who had stopped to stand only inches away from her was not to be feared, though her heart began to race for a completely different reason. She pushed past her nervous excitement and turned until she was facing the dark shadow. His worn cloak billowed slightly in the breeze as their eyes met and she gasped softly when she felt his rough fingertips brush lightly against her cheek and jaw. "Sasuke-kun...," she whispered. Unsure if this was real or her imagination, after all she had pictured this moment over and over in her mind...and she was tired so it's possible it was a dream.

Either way when she saw his lips pull up at the corners to give her a genuine (though small) smile she couldn't help the soft blush that worked its way across her cheeks as happy tears began to fall from her emerald eyes. His eyes softened and he leaned down until his lips were right above her ear and his arm wrapped gently around her waist. She shivered at the contact before wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.

"Sakura, I'm home."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now