Your Child Wants Something They Can't Have

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One Direction Preference : Your Child Wants Something They Can't Have

Liam: "That looks good daddy!" she croaks out as she saw a commercial advertising cakes on it. Liam laughed and shook his head. "Yes, it does, but you can't have it because you can only have liquids for the moment. Once you're done recovering from having your tonsils removed, we'll give you your own cake, how about that?" her eyes lit up. "Thank you daddy!"

Zayn: "Why can't i have that, dad?" he asked as him and Zayn were going shopping for groceries, due to you being sick at home. "Because your mother would kill me if i let you have a donut. You know she's a health freak." your son nodded. "Yes, but dad, it looks so good and i really want one." Zayn followed his gaze, but closed his eyes and walked past it. "Come on, we gotta go. If we stay longer, i'm going to cave in and get some."

Louis: "You're not dying your hair blue and purple!" he shouted back to your teenage daughter who just shook her head. "All my friends have blue and purple hair, dad, why can't i?" Louis ran his hands through his hair. "Because i said so, i don't want you constantly dying your hair! It's not good to constantly dye it! You're not dying your hair and that's my final say on this matter!"

Niall: "No boyfriends!" he commanded and your daughter glared at him. "Why not? Becky has a boyfriend!" Niall shook his head. "Becky is your babysitter who's 18 years old, she's old enough for a boyfriend, you're only 12, not old enough yet!" she groaned. "You're not being good about this dad!" she then stormed off to her room and Niall just looked at you. "She can't have a boyfriend yet!" you put your hands up in defense. "I agree with you, Ni!"

Harry: "Why can't i have a kitty? Everyone else has a kitty!" the little toddler says as him and his father go to the pet shop to get a fish, the only animal thing that your son wasn't allergic to. "You're allergic to kitties, bud," Your son whimpered. "I just want a kitty." Harry leans down to his level. "I know you do, and maybe you'll grow out of your allergies, it's possible, and hopefully we'll get one when you're older, okay?" Your son nodded. "Okay."


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